Monday, December 31, 2012

But I don't have a sofa

It is the last day of 2012.

For me, it has been one of my best years ever.

A year ago, my friend Debbie were visiting on New Year's Eve.  We talked about what we hoped 2012 would bring.

She wanted a regular dance partner. 

I wasn't sure what I wanted.  I had wanted to be published for many years and I knew that was going to happen in 2012. I might like to travel and I wondered what I would do for a job when the Episcopal Diocese of Florida's annual convention was over as it would be in January.

I wanted my children to have joy and success and I wanted my mother to be comfortable in my home as small but significant changes continued to be a part of who she is.

Did I want a regular dance partner?

I didn't know.

I remember that I said it might be nice to have someone to date, but that I really couldn't get involved with anyone.  Between my mother and finishing the writing project, I didn't really think I had time.

Besides my living room has four chairs - no sofa...if you date someone shouldn't you have a sofa?

A little lame, right?

That was a year ago today..

This past Saturday night Debbie and I were together again - just before she went "dancing" with Jack Edwards and I came home to enjoy some time on a small sofa  that is now a  part of the decor in my home office.  Earlier in the day I had rearranged the furniture in my living room to get it ready for  another sofa that's on it's way to my home.

And of course, I didn't come home alone.

"Delight yourself also in the Lord and He shall give you the desires of your heart," (Psalm 37:4).

...Even those you think you do not have!

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