Friday, December 21, 2012

The best Christmas PRESENTS ever!

"What do you want for Christmas?"

He was eight years old.  Truly one of the loves of my life - Tray - my third child, my only son, and my baby.

I told him I thought a waffle iron would be a good idea.

And that I decided that wasn't a very practical idea.

But I didn't tell Tray.

Weeks later as we enjoyed a Saturday night supper, Tray announced to his sisters that he knew what mom wanted for Christmas.  She wanted a waffle iron.

"I actually decided that I didn't want that", was my response.

I can still hear him - "we have a problem", he said as he left the table. 

I could see his bedroom from where I was sitting and I watched as he slowly knelt down and pulled a 1949 "vintage" waffle iron from under the bed. 

He had been to a yard sale next door.  The waffle iron cost $4.  He had $2 so he raked leaves for the extra money.

I laughed and cried.  Remember - "Laughter through tears is my favorite emotion".

And I cleaned it up and we used it.

He grew up and went to college. When he was a sophomore he remembered that one thing I wanted when my children were growing up was a train. What a joy for me to open my present that Christmas and how much I enjoy it all these years later (15).


And then he got married and moved away.  They came home for Christmas and we enjoyed the annual Huffingham family gathering.  As the fun and merriment began to die down, Tray announced that there was one more present.

There were four small  packages.  My mother got one; my daughter, Becca, got one; my sister, Cindy got one - and there was one for me.

"Open them at the same time," he told us.

They were children's alphabet blocks.  Mine was a Y - Becca's was a B and so was Cindy's and my mother had an A.

If I laughed and cried over that waffle iron or the train - how do you think I responded when I realized that the words spelled BABY.  Their first child was due the next summer.

I've had other special and wonderful gifts but I think these must be among the very best.

'Course I haven't opened this year's yet!

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