Sunday, December 23, 2012

We believe!

This house believes in Santa.

Well - at least I believe in what Santa represents. After all, it is at this time of the year that we remember the incredible birth of the Christ child who came to offer us hope and peace when we placed our faith in Him all of which combine to give us joy.  This because God so loved the world.

It was our first Christmas as a "single mom and three kids".  I don't think I believed in Santa Claus that year which is now 30 years ago.

We had been welcomed into my parents' home  earlier that year and the four of us were adjusting.  While it was very difficult, we were learning to experience the love, care and support of  our extended family.

From her earliest years, my second child, Renee, has been a little "prayer warrior". When she was about five, she was going to be in a pageant of some sort and she needed a "fancy" dress.  We were in the "looking" stage when someone gave her some hand-me-downs.  I will never forget her running into the room where I was, saying "I found it; I found it; I found the answer to my prayer".  Sure enough it was a pretty little yellow dress with some lace on it.  It would work.

By this time, Renee had passed her eighth birthday.  Tray was five.  They were in the same Sunday School class at Glendale Community Church, the church I had grown up in and where many dear family members and friends were so supportive of me and my children in this new found position.

Apparently when "prayer request" time came, Renee announced that she and Tray were "praying" that they might get bicycles for Christmas.

They had not shared that prayer request with their mother.  The day before Christmas "Aunt" Anna Jean and "Uncle" Bill Kindred  (you know in the South we call everyone "aunt" and "uncle") came for a visit.  I believe they were the teachers in that Sunday School class.  If not, they certainly must have known someone who heard Renee's prayer request.  They opened the trunk of their car and I saw - "two shiny bicycles".

Christmas morning arrived and Renee could once more say - "I found it, I found it, I found the answer to my prayer".  

There have been other things our family has prayed for that we didn't find. We have had a wonderful live, however.  Thirty years later, three additions - the mates that God chose for each of my bundles of joy - have added to the fun.  Not to mention those seven special blessings who call me grandma.  Our lives are rich and full.

However - something else that my children (and my family and friends) have long prayed for is that I would "find" someone special to share my life with.

Listen - can you hear Renee?  "I've found it, I've found it - I've found that answer to our prayer!"

Yep - I'd say we believe!

"For my God shall supply all your needs, according to His riches in Christ Jesus", Philippians 4:19.

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