Saturday, December 22, 2012

'Did you know???

I love Christmas. 

If you don't believe me -

Come to my house for a visit.  You can take a look at my closet and watch what I wear every day from November 30 through Christmas Day.  You will see that my house is "fully involved" in Christmas from an Advent wreathe to a little village with a train to 7 choir children (Coca Cola bottles with Styrofoam heads that my mother and I made a couple of years ago).

And you will hear Christmas music.

I love Christmas music.

I have always loved Christmas caroling and being in Christmas programs and cantatas.  I loved it when my children were in various programs and I was absolutely thrilled when I went to see my three Nazarene grandchildren in a program and watched their mother being their director.

Their mother is my first born - Rebecca. 

Becca had been born just before Christmas in 1971 so the song The Best Gift by Barbra Streisand has always seemed like the perfect song for the two of us. For that year, she truly was my best gift

I remember when she learned a question for her first Christmas program when she was in Kindergarten.

"Who was born on Christmas Day?"

I remember when she was in the 6th grade and didn't really want to listen to the Christmas sermon.  When I told her to pay attention, she gave me a typical preacher's kid's answer..."I've already heard that story."

A few years later Becca learned a piece for the piano called A Christmas Rhapsody.  I can still see her sitting at a piano at Glendale Community Church playing that.  My memory is helped by the fact that I have a video of it and recently Becca sat down at the piano in her home and once more played that beautiful arrangement that includes many Christmas carols.

Lots of memories, many include music...which brings me to the title of this blog - my favorite Christmas song - Mary did you know?  And why is it my favorite.  Because I cannot imagine knowing something as incredible as what Mary knew; doing something as incredible as what Mary did - and not telling anyone.

Mary kept all these things - even after the shepherds came and worshipped - in her heart! 

From a mother's viewpoint...I could never keep that kind of knowledge and not share it. You did read all the things I just told you about Becca didn't you?

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