Saturday, February 9, 2013

And I KNOW the author

"Birds of a feather, flock together".

That statement is very true.  At least when it comes to me and my friends - because many of them are also writers. 

I have written before about my friend, Deborah Fairchild Hansen.  She is a wonderful writer and in our five year friendship, I have learned so much from her - not to mention the fact that she has been one of my greatest encouragers when I try to imagine myself as a writer.

Deb's latest offering into the world of words (at least the one that is now a  published manuscript) is Nothing to Complain About an account of her endeavoring to overcome "complaining". 

A few weeks ago, my friend Jessica, posted a remark about that book on her Facebook page.  You can imagine my excitement as I read that Jessica had ordered it.  I was quick to send her a Facebook message. 

I know the author! 

And I've been working on creating the opportunity for them to meet.

This week I had coffee with Virginia Pillsbury (she's a contributing editor for Beson4). I had recently read a great story about her mother.

It was as if I could hear her voice.

After all - I know the author.

And then there's my friend, Dorothy Fletcher and when I read Growing Up Jacksonville: A 50s and 60s River City Childhood  -  it was as if  I could hear her voice

Or how about - Tuck Eudy, who writes for The Upper Room.  His words were in the February 1 edition. 

A mutual friend remarked that as he read Tuck's words that day it was as if he could hear Tuck's nice voice, telling the story.

Again - we know the author.

You know what else - when I read the Bible - it's as if I can hear God's voice -- maybe not audibly.  In fact, I usually hear that in my own voice - or someone I've heard read that passage. Sometimes I even hear my granddaddy Nesmith's voice reading the Scripture.

After all, he knew that author - and so do I!

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