Wednesday, February 13, 2013

A blessed Lent???

"You're never fully dressed without a smile. . .". Those words from a song of that same name as heard in Annie, seem like an odd way to start a blog on Ash Wednesday.

I also considered the answer from my daughter-in-law when asked what she used to make herself beautiful and she said the basics – soap and water and a smile.

Thoughts about smiles came to my mind when I read a Lenten message by the Rt. Reverend S. Johnson Howard, 8th Bishop of the Diocese of Florida.

Bishop Howard said Ash Wednesday should make us smile!

When you consider that I have been "churched" since birth – and have never had a time that I was not involved in worship and service in a local church, you may be surprised to read that I am a relatively new participant in the holy day of observation known as Ash Wednesday.

I believe my first Ash Wednesday experience was a mere 16 years ago when I attended a service at the Church of the Assumption with Rich Suhey. To my recollection, I don't believe I have missed an Ash Wednesday service since that one.

Prior to that, if you had asked me about Ash Wednesday I would have known nothing. I would have probably just said it's the beginning of a time for repentance, a time when people give up something they really enjoy as a sign of their repentant heart.

I would have thought it to be a bleak, dismal and sad experience and that the dark smudge on one's forehead represented all of that person's sin,

I now understand that repentance is not the first thing. God's Grace is.

In Bishop Howard's words, "when we recognize that Grace, it is the first step to our repentance which leads us to conversion and turning of our hearts toward God."

Which means the important thing about Ash Wednesday and about this Lenten Season should not be the dark smudge on our foreheads, but the smile on our faces... and the joy in our hearts on account of Him who died for us and rose again.
Maybe that's why some say "Have a blessed Lent". It's not about how bad we've been – instead it is about how good God is.

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