Thursday, February 14, 2013

My Top Ten. . .Reasons I love Valentines

I am hopeless. . .

I am hopelessly. . .

I am a hopelessly Romantic.

While some count the days til Christmas, I have been known to count the days til Valentine's Day.

Even when I haven't had a Valentine - I love the Hallmark cards, the stories of love found and yes, even love lost, and all the mushy, sentiments of the day.

This morning I find myself in a list mode - so here they are  - my top ten reasons that I love Valentine's Day. Some are memories and some are present day

10 - My very first Valentine - Earl Huffingham.  Daddy loved to give my sister, Cindy, and me valentines - candy from Cohen Brothers.  We knew his first valentine was our mother - but we also knew how much he loved us.

9 - My childhood valentines - from David Sparks to Gary Mincey to Bobby Drashin.  They are still special to me.

8 - My high school valentine - David Winkles - he got away - but we had a good time.

7 - My children's father - Ray Parker;  that's the best thing I can say about him - he is my children's father - and if you know my children, you know he did a good thing!

6 - The men who were in my life between 1982 and 2012 - including Rich Suhey who was a dear and who had so much to do with making me who I am today.

Enough about the past.

5 - The strong bond of friendship that I share with many - so many that I hate to start naming them - but from my mother to my sister and sisters in law to daughters, aunts, cousins - and a long list of women that have been such a blessing in my life!

4 - Tray Parker - who is neither my first nor my last valentine, but such an unexpected blessing, who with lots of love and prayer has fought his way to the top.  My third child and only son has always known the way to this mother's heart.

3 - The valentine on my refrigerator that says "I love you, Grandma" that came the day some of my grandchildren made valentine cookies in my garage.

2 - The fact that I have no trouble deleting all those E-Harmony,, Christian Mingle emails that clutter my in-box.

1 - Coulter Schmitt!  What a privilege and honor it is to be his sweetheart! 

Happy Valentine's Day - 2013

OOPS - almost forgot my brothers - Jonathan and Lester - they are also very, very special to me!

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