Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Strawberry Ice Cream

What do you do when you are stressed?  Do you have a de-stressing tactic?  Or are you a person who never gets stressed? 

There has been more than one time in my life when I have snapped at someone - just because I was stressed and I absolutely hate for that to happen.  Unfortunately the older I get the less tolerance I have so that happens much more than I am comfortable with.

I am always looking for a solution.

My friend, Tamra offered me one.  Tamra and I met when we were both working in Corporate America.  We were in an Administrative Professionals Group.  We meet for supper about every six weeks. 

This past week was one of those times.  Our chats usually include what's going on with her job, one that she has loved for many years.  Like most "jobs", this one has good and bad days.  And it always carries a certain amount of - stress.

She talked and I listened.  I endeavored to be sympathetic.  I even started to give her some words of wisdom - including Scripture.

And then Tamra said - "well, this is what I do."

"I have a little pad in my lower desk drawer," she said, "Whenever I read something that is encouraging, whether it is Scripture or someone's words, I write those words on that pad.  Then when I am feeling discouraged or even a little frightened, I will pull that pad out and be reminded that life probably isn't as bad as it feels at that moment - and be encouraged to keep on going. It really helps me when I feel stressed."

Sounds like a good plan to me.

As we continued our chat, Tamra talked about a recent visit with her daddy in a little town not too far from Atlanta.  Her mom passed away a few months ago and she's been going up occasionally to clean out closets and help her dad as much as possible.

She talked about a recent visit with him.  She said they got into his little truck and drove out to a farm where they picked strawberries.  When their baskets were full, they each got a strawberry ice cream cone.  She said they had a super time - sitting in the cab of the truck - continuing to visit and enjoying the ice cream.

I told her that sounded like a good story for her little note pad. 

At this time in my life the things that stress me most are related to what my next step should be, would be, could be, and of course because my 89 year old mother lives with me - there is some stress involved there and most of the time it is my mother whose ears are the receptacle for my pontifcation that is related to my stress!

Tamra's plan should work for me - I might not have a little note pad in my desk - but I can reach into my memory bank and pull out a time that made me smile.

The world offers stress relievers - pills, Yoga, a glass or two of wine - and what about that old Calgon advertisement  - - Calgon, take me away?  Remembering a happy time will do the same thing.  Just ask Tamra.

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