Friday, May 25, 2012

Cousins and those who wish they were

When we were thinking about this trip,  I knew my mother would enjoy seeing two of her cousins who live in South Carolina.  We contacted Katherine Tisdale Shaffer and Doris Johnson Brockington who both responded that they would really enjoy our visit.

I remembered being in Katherine and her husband, Vern's home in about 1980.  They had not lived in the Kingstree area very long, having come there from Washington, D.C. where he worked in the print press area of the Smithsonian Institution.  I found him fascinating and looked forward to another visit. 

Vern met us on the driveway and ushered us in to where Katherine was putting the finishing touches on a lovely lunch - BBQ and all the trimmings and a lovely blueberry dessert.  Mother visited with her at the stove while I went on the porch and listened as Vern told me stories of his work at the Smithsonian, about the way Hugo took several of their trees and about how much he misses teaching his Sunday School class.  He has had several operations for cancerous lesions on his face, near his eyes and he doesn't see as well as he used to.

He does see well enough that he has continued to print various scripture verses and gives them as a gift.  When we left we had two little plaques that included John 3:16 and I had two versions of Jeremiah 29:11.  He had asked me what my favorite scripture was.

To be honest, I never can remember the reference but I can always say "For I know the plans I have for you...". 

He just happened to have two prints of the verse.

Our next stop would be Andrews.

My plan was to just "ride through there".  My mother was born in Andrews and I thought it enough that we just say "we went to Andrews".

However, my mother had another idea.

A dear friend of our family, Cathy Skipper, works and lives in Andrews.  We could just pop in where she is a dental hygienist and say hello and then be on our merry way.

I think it's good to tell how we met Cathy here.  Many years ago, my grandma Lonnie was sitting on the front porch of Aunt Gloria and Uncle Leon's house in Florence.  Cathy was riding her bicycle and had an accident.  Grandma Lonnie called for help and the next thing anyone knew Cathy was in the house being taken care of.  She's been in our family ever since that day. 

We contacted her and she was not working.  We could come to see her at her home.

Hum.  I hadn't MapQuested that.

Not to worry.  She gave me the directions - including the landmarks to look for.  Have you ever driven in the country.  A mile seems like about 5 miles.  I would think - oh me...we've missed a turn and suddenly there would be the landmark. 

We arrived at the address she had given me.  It was actually her parents home.  I think my mother had met them, but I had not.  They were just as delightful as Cathy and we had a wonderful visit.

Paula, Mother, Cathy
My childhood friend, Linda Peppers Gurganious always tells people she is my cousin.  I refute her statement but always follow it with "well, we might as well be".  That's how we feel about Cathy Skipper.  She is not our "kin" but she might as well be!

The cousins visit was turning out to be right fun.

A quick drive into Georgetown so that my mother could see how it has been restored and we were off to Monck's Corner, South Carolina.  My mother had seen her cousin that day.  Now it was time for me to see mine!

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