Tuesday, May 29, 2012

I love a man in a uniform

Sunday, May 13, 2012 - Time to head on home.

Surely there would be no adventure today.  All we needed to do was travel the two hours back to Jacksonville.

The dining area was filled with young men and a couple of women in field uniforms.  Some of those marines the desk clerk had told us about.

Bagels and hard boiled eggs, instant oatmeal, juice... We had finished our breakfast and as we were leaving, I realized mother wasn't walking out with me.  I turned around --

"Thank you for what you are doing," she said to first one and then another.

I thought daddy would be so proud of her (as would my veteran son, Tray and nephews, Chad and Brad Williams). 

Brad Williams, Earl Huffingham Tray Parker, Chad Williams - WWII Memorial, May 2008
And I thought I bet some of these soldiers will always remember when the pretty white-haired grandma on a walker went out of her way to say "thanks".

Interstate 95 was in my view as I suddenly saw some blue lights begin to flash on a car in the median.

"I'm getting a ticket," I said to my mother as I slowed down, pulled off the highway and took out my drivers license and registration (at least I knew exactly where it was).

The nice Georgia trooper thanked me for being ready and told me how fast I was going.  I was shocked.  I must have thought I was already on the Interstate.

He left and when he returned with the ticket and my instructions about the next steps - i.e. where and when to pay the fine, he had another word for me.

"Ma'am," he said, "I'm not going to ticket you for this, but in Georgia, you aren't allowed to have anything impede the name of the county where your tag is registered."

I, of course, have a University of Florida frame around mine.

Actually in Florida, all license tags do not have a county inscribed.  I've been checking that one out.

This nice man in a uniform must be a Georgia fan.

The Florida state line, the Jacksonville city limit, Mandarin and Paddle Boat Lane ....

We arrived home to the laughter of grandchildren, Happy Mother's Day wishes and presents, and the hydrangea in the front yard bursting into color.

It was good to be home.  I was glad I had done this.  And then of course my mother said -

"So, when's our next adventure?"

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