Sunday, May 12, 2019

She was a good daughter

I used to say "I'll never be as good a mother as mine is - and I'm a good mother".

On this Mother's Day, I have been reminded that she was a good daughter.

Our mother is the eldest daughter of Iva Pauline Mercer and Ellie Wallace Nesmith.  She was born less than two years after her brother, Ellie Rudolph and in two years succession before Thelma, Carolyn and Ann.  Eight years after Ann, their youngest sister Beth was born.

From what I've read and observed, the family was always very close. Sadly they lost their sister, Thelma in 2011, but the four remaining sisters all live in Northeast Florida and they still stay in touch, love to visit with each other and keep up with their nieces and nephews.

Granddaddy Nesmith's birthday was May 12.  That being the case, when I was a child we often celebrated his birthday on Mother's Day.  In 1971, Grandma was very ill.  They had celebrated their 50th anniversary on January 1.  It was a wonderful time in our family,  However, the illness that had wracked her body for many years had taken a toll. Just 8 days later, grandma would go from "here to there" which was granddaddy's favorite expression of the time when a person left this world for Heaven.

But grandma didn't forget that it was his birthday. After her death, he told my children's dad that grandma had made sure he had a present.

I relayed that story to my aunts recently and I got this response from Aunt Ann.

"I smiled as I can imagine her turning to Iva Louise and telling her to go get a gift! She was to "go to" person for Mama for many years and I really appreciate all she did for Mama"

I remember that too.  My mother was always doing something for grandma.  We even moved there in 1959 to help when she had to be in bed for six hours each day. And she did things for our daddy's mother, and his brother and his aunt and the list could go on and on.

In reality - she has been a wonderful caregiver - 

And now, of course, the tables are turned.  It's Iva Lou who needs to be cared for. I'm not really sure why it is that I am her caregiver.  The eldest? the available? The "called to be a caregiver" because helps is first on my list when I take a spiritual gifts tests. 

It doesn't matter why it is.  What's important is that it is.

My mother was a wonderful daughter -- and caregiver and that made her an excellent role model for all of us!

May your life be filled with enough Sunshine 
to make you appreciate the Shadows


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