Thursday, May 30, 2019

In the cereal

My sister, Cindy, and I were remembering our mother's wealth of knowledge regarding Scripture verses.

We began with Philippians 3:10 that she often said was her life verse -

 "That I may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable unto his death;"

We also shared I Thessalonians 5:18

"In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you".

We remembered the oval-shaped wall hanging that had been a gift from her dear friend Mary when we were San Souci neighbors in the 50's.  We don't know what happened to that plate.

When I called out Romans 8:28, Cindy said: "that was in our cereal".

Her husband, Robert, had been listening to our conversation and asked,

"In your cereal?"

Well no, not really in our cereal but it was something she oft repeated.

"There's always a reason", she would say, following it with God's plan is far greater than ours.

At 96 and a quarter (3/12/23) our mother still believes what she lived and taught.

A group of friends recently shared a few hours with her - Ron Allen and John Nill led us in some singing and there was one song mother wanted to sing - that we didn't know.   Ron's wife, Bonnie who is my lifelong friend and I could remember a little of it but not the whole song.

Not to be undone, I recently Googled the first line and I understood why this song is one my mother wanted to sing

Every promise, in the book, is mine
  Every chapter, every verse, every line. 
All are blessings, of his love, divine
Every promise, in the book, is mine

Of course, that's what my mother wanted to sing...That's what she believes -- 

Every promise in the book!

Now for a disclaimer.  You might have noticed that I can't seem to stop writing about my mother.  You might think I think she is about to pass.  Only the Lord knows when that will happen.  What I do know is that one way I process things is through words - and one never knows - perhaps the words I put on your computer screen will help you process something.  I can tell you that all four of my mother's children, her 11 grandchildren, 17 great grands, 5 Steps and all of those wonderful people who have married into our family know and understand the value of what we learned from our childhood.

May your life be filled with enough Sunshine 
to make you appreciate the Shadows

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