Thursday, May 9, 2019

She didn't teach us

A person's first teacher is their mother.

Our mother taught us many things.

You know, the regular things - be kind, wash your hands, brush your teeth - "yes ma'am, no ma'am, thank you ma'am, please".

And the more specific things - how to cook, clean, sew, garden.  Actually, my sister, Cindy learned to cook, clean, sew; Jonathan can cook and garden.  

And the most important things - loving our daddy and others - and following this simple rule of a Christian -- "Man's chief end is to love God and enjoy him forever" (from the Presbyterian catechism).  

As I thought about what Iva Louise Nesmith Huffingham taught us, I wondered what others had learned from their mothers, so I posted a question on Facebook.

There were fun answers.  "She taught me to braid pine needles when I was bored"; "she taught me to whistle when I was working" and "she taught me to balance a checkbook".  One friend responded to that answer with "my mother tried but it didn't work".

There were dear answers. "She's why I became a nurse.  I watched her use her skill with my grandparents and knew I wanted to do that too".  

Answers were the regular ones - to make bread; entertain (both formally and informally just make your guests feel comfortable) kindness, generosity, love of family, cleanliness (always wear clean underwear); tell the truth, to be independent (one person was so proud of her mom who raised five children as a single mother); take care of yourself - do not depend on others to do that for you.

And they were more specific - "education is never wasted".  "the difference in a rut and a grave is that a rut has openings on either side and a grave doesn't" and one I really appreciated:

"A crisis or obstacle isn't the end of something; it's a chance to evaluate and do better".

I asked my own children what they think I taught them - Hospitality; to stay up all night to finish a school assignment and to always go to their "events".  I am proud to tell you that Renee loves to entertain; Becca is always completing a project with one of her children and Tray never misses a game or performance.

Oh, and what did our mother NOT teach us?  I don't think she taught us to leave her in a nursing facility.

At least I didn't and I said this to my friend Karen who responded with these words:

"Yes, she did, she prepared you to trust that God puts people in our lives to prepare us and to support us for whatever comes next in our lives. This is just an extension of your faith.”

Yep – She did teach us that.  And the four of us are ever grateful!

May your life be filled with enough Sunshine 
to make you appreciated the Shadows

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