Thursday, May 16, 2019

Glad not Sad

So I asked my mother -

"Do you know where you are?"


"Do you know what it is?"

A skilled nursing center

"And why are you here?"

Because I need more care than they could offer at Brookdale Mandarin

"And do you know how sad it made me to bring you here?"

No - you should be GLAD not SAD.

You should be relieved that I am getting good care.

And just like that my mother proved what I have always thought to be true.

She really knows how to adapt to her circumstances.  She is still a wonderful example of the verse she has long practiced.

"In everything give thanks" (I Thessalonians 5:18

So I am going to accept her words.  She's right...I should be glad and I am.  

Accepting it, however, does not take away our responsibility to oversee her care.  It is our intent to visit and ensure that the care she is receiving is as good a possible  Nor does it negate my disappointment that she is no longer in a beautiful apartment with lovely furniture or our desire to someday have her in a facility on the river!  We can trust the same Lord she has loved and served with those dreams!

May your life be filled with enough Sunshine 
to make you appreciate the Shadows

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