Monday, September 5, 2022

Work a little; Pray a lot!

 Dear Mother

I've been thinking of you today.

For a couple of reasons.

Today is Labor Day.  You always enjoyed this day because you liked to work and you enjoyed encouraging others to work as well.

This morning I pressure-washed part of the driveway and the floor in the garage.  It was fun but it was work.  As often happens in projects like this, the machinery had an issue so the job is not complete.  However, you will be happy to know that those nasty oil spots in the garage - actually they were more like oil puddles - are almost gone.  I just need to get some sort of abrasive cleaner and use a bit of elbow grease and the floor will be ready for my new car (when I finally get one).

As I worked on the floor I remembered the time that you had heard that cat litter would soak up oil.  I'll never forget my surprise to find a cat-litter-covered floor and my mother standing at the kitchen door - ready to hand me a broom for my part of the project.

You liked to work - and you taught us to work.

You also liked to pray - and you taught us to pray.  I don't really like this photo but it speaks so loud as to who you were.  I remember when I told you not to cry because you were not pretty when you cried.  I guess it might be the same as when you prayed.

However - praying is the second reason that I have thought of you today - on the 2-month anniversary of your passing.

I've wondered if there's any way that you heard our words to you - that afternoon and evening - words of love and appreciation.  

Did you hear your fourth grandchild, Renee, quote Scripture and as I have said many times - pray her grandma into Heaven?  Renee's words remain in my heart and mind and continue to give me comfort.  "You have fought the fight; you have finished the course; there's a crowd of witnesses waiting on you.  You are leaving a wonderful legacy." (I do like that 2019 photo)

I have also remembered something similar when Renee and her husband, Wally, and their daughters were here in 2009 to tell daddy goodbye.  They were about to return to Tampa when Wally stood by daddy's bed and prayed for him. 

The memories of both of those times give me comfort!  

So on this Labor Day 2022, I am remembering you - both your strong work ethic and the prayer life that was so much a part of who you were.

Renee is correct - You left a great legacy.

 May your life have enough sunshine   

To make you appreciate the shadows

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