Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Thanks for sharing your mother

 "Your mother was 'before her time'", remarked my friend, Louise, when she reflected on the celebration of life service following our mother's passing.

She was referring to the fact that she had heard about mother's travels between 1958 and 1964 when she was first the Vice President and then Chaplain of the Auxiliary of Gideons International.  

The back story is that she wanted to go to Bible School when my sister, Cindy, and I were little girls.  Daddy did not feel called to do that.  He told her that he would care for us but it wasn't something he wanted for himself.  I believe she did some investigating to see if that could happen.  At some point however she gave it up.

And then our dad heard about an organization known as the Gideons,a ministry that focused on placing Bibles in hotels as well as providing New Testaments for service men and fifth graders.  And he joined.

Mother was delighted to learn of the Auxiliary whose focus was to give New Testaments to nurses.

Their involvement in the Gideons provided my siblings and me with memories of visiting many states and we made some friends who remain dear to us. Between first grade and my senior year of high school, we attended 12 International Conventions.  Chicago, Atlanta, Denver, Los Angeles are just a few of the cities we visited.  

We were in Louisville in 1958 when our mother was elected to a three-year term as the International Vice President of the Auxiliary.  That meant she would travel to state conventions (about one a month) and be the keynote speaker.

She loved it!  

Of course, our first brother was born in 1959 and the second in 1961 and you would think that would deter her.  

It didn't have to.  She had help.  Cindy and me.  And grandma and Aunt Carolyn and Aunt Gloria. AND of course, she had daddy - her "honey" always her most ardent supporter!!!

Mother has told us that this was a highlight in her life.

After three years as Vice President, she was elected to the office of Chaplain.

One of the responsibilities of that position was that she wrote a sympathy letter to the widow of each Gideon who died.  It was a form letter so that would be a great way for her daughter, at this time a High School Junior who was taking typing to get some experience.

I hated it.

I have remembered that this week.  Two cards have come to me from people I do not know.  Their messages are similar.  They are expressions of sympathy from people who have the same responsibility as our mother did.  As I opened them I could see myself hammering away on those letters.

One of them also indicated that some Bibles had been purchased in  mother's memory. Our friends,  Rick Darrow (and his wife, Patricia) and Kathy Darrow Constant also gave Bibles.

It is very dear to remember how much mother enjoyed the Auxiliary.  And I love the note that was included in one of the cards. 

"Thank you for sharing your mom with us in this ministry.  Because she gave many of us are here today".

Truth be told, I don't think Cindy and I really were happy sharing our mother.  However, we both know that she got a huge blessing through this, and for that we are thankful.  We also know that we got a few perks - the trips we enjoyed bring back many happy memories - and we also met some interesting and influential people

Before he had a stand-up comedy act, Jerry Clower was a Gideon and our dad's friend.  Pat Zondervan was not only a Gideon but, as his name indicates, a partner in the well-known Christian Publishing Company.  And there are those dear people - Duane and Barbara Darrow, Guy and Allie Sanders, Walter and Elvira Buckingham who loved our parents and us and encouraged us in our walk with God.  

So when we remember the years of "sharing our mother" we also remember the happy memories - and appreciate the nice notes we are receiving that say "your mother made a difference".

And yes she was a bit ahead of her time!

May your life have enough sunshine   

To make you appreciate the shadows

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