Friday, August 5, 2022

This is our legacy

 August 5, 1942

And so it all began.

Our parents had a beautiful love story

He was 8 and she was 6 when his parents invited her family to Sunday dinner after church at the Spring Glen Methodist Church.  If you knew both of my grandmothers you might think it strange that the Huffinghams were the hosts.  I never knew Grandma Lonnie to have guests for a meal.  It was Grandma Nesmith's favorite thing to do.

Later my mother had a crush on Ted Huffingham.  He was in an accident and she and her friend Georgina Sparks went to see Ted and his brother Earl who had also been injured

It wasn't long after that they were on the back of a truck going across Little Pottsburg Creek on her 16th birthday.  Someone quipped "sweet 16 and never be kissed"  and she responded, "not by the right one".

Daddy then leaned across the truck with a peck!

That night  (or so we've been told) he took her to that same spot and kissed her properly.

Three years later, after she graduated from Landon and he had made Sargeant (he volunteered right after Pearl Harbor), they were married at the Glendale Community Church.

That was 80 years ago - August 5, 1942.

For 12 years she's remembered that day - without her honey.  They had loved to celebrate it - trips, parties, family dinners.  Even in 2009 when it would soon be time for daddy to go to Heaven we had a little celebration - 

Their marriage was one to be celebrated and we (their children and ours)  wanted to have that same kind of relationship.  Some of us got it and some didn't.   But we would all say they were our role models.

I don't know what happens in Heaven.  I do know I have a vivid imagination

So I like to imagine that they have had coffee.  I would think that she has told daddy story after story - about her life after he went ahead of her to Heaven.  The trips she took and the life she lived in Texas.  The Bible study she started at Brookdale.  Those nice men - Ken and George who were kind to her.  Graduations, great-grandbabies, and the wonderful staff who cared for her at Westminster/

So on this day, I'm a bit sad -- but I am also very grateful - for the heritage and as my daughter said to her as "she prayed her grandma into Heaven" the legacy she and daddy left for us.  

I think I'll find a friend to have a cup of coffee with  That's the best way I can find to honor the friendship and love my parents shared.

May your life have enough sunshine   

To make you appreciate the shadows

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