Thursday, August 25, 2022

"Lord, say hello to Mama"

 This is a strange title for this blog – since I called Iva Louise Nesmith Huffingham – mother. 


 I knew this was going to happen.  Friends had told me but I wasn’t sure I believed them.

I saw a Facebook post.  Royce Credle Hamilton had died.

My first thought was “I need to tell mother”.

Royce was one of the three daughters of Jim and Estelle Credle. Jim's mother Creola, was my grandma Nesmiths oldest sister.  My mother always thought highly of the Credle family. 

It was strange for me to come to the realization that my mother is no longer at Westminster Woods.  It’s now been six weeks since we said goodbye – six weeks since we sent her on to be with “the Lord and our daddy”.

But what do I do with the things I think she should know – or that I just absolutely must share?  Most people know me to be a chatterbox.  And I usually tell way too many details. 

In the case of family matters, I am very grateful that my mother’s sisters are appreciative of the news that I share. Even when it’s something sad. I sent Aunt Ann, Aunt Beth and Aunt Carolyn a text.  And as I typed I was glad to know that while my mother is not here - they are!

And as for the name of the blog.

When our Papa (Ted Huffingham, Sr.) died in 1967, my brother, Lester was six years old.  Death was a strange phenomenon to him.  He only knew that Heaven was somewhere "in the sky".  One night he looked up into the sky and said “Lord, say hello to Papa”.  Just four years later Grandma Nesmith, died at the early age of 69.

My mother told me that she often thought of something that she wanted to tell Grandma. So she would just talk to God about what she wanted her mother to know.  She used Lester's words.  

The five Nesmith sisters put together a book of their memories and my mother's chapter is named "Lord, say hello to Mama".

My experience in reading about Royce and wanting to tell my mother is just the first of what I am sure will be many.  There will be things that I really think my mother would like to know.  And I’m going to practice what she did - I'll talk with God like I'm talking with her.

I will also tell my aunts - and anyone else who will listen.

May your life have enough sunshine   

To make you appreciate the shadows

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