Wednesday, August 5, 2020

She may not remember...but I do!

My siblings, our children and grandchildren can tell you that we have no doubt but it was the love they shared that most influenced us.  It was love for God and each other that made them the Christian soulmates, parents, and grandparents.  They did so many things for us and for everyone.

 Today would have been their 78th wedding anniversary.  I wrote this just one month shy of daddy's going to heaven almost 11 years ago.  Today mother is in a Care Center - and we cannot visit her.  She did ask me if I could get my lawyer to find a way to let me see her.  However, I'm not sure that she knows it's August 5.

I often write to help me deal with what's happening in my life - August 5, 2009 was one of those times - as is August 5, 2020.

He was a native of Jacksonville, a Landon High School graduate, and a soldier.  She was also a Landon High School graduate (in fact had graduated just a few months before), a girl born in South Carolina who had lived in Jacksonville since she was a child.  It was wartime - just a little more than seven months into World War II.  He was stationed in Louisiana; made sergeant and wrote her a letter.

                "I am going to make enough money...we can get married", he said.

There was a flurry of activity and Glendale Community Church canceled the midweek prayer meeting.  She had made her graduation dress with the idea that it might be a good wedding gown.  She had the dress, he thought they would have enough money and they knew they were going to be happy.

That was 67 years ago TODAY - August 5, 1942.

They spend their time now taking care of each other (actually she helps some wonderful nurses from Hospice take care of him) and sharing memories of their lives together. 

I know them well.  I am the first of their four children.

I valued their marriage so much that I chose to marry my college sweetheart on their 25th wedding anniversary.  That marriage did not survive.  The children from that union not only survived,  they thrived, but they don't like me to brag about them.

                I can tell you that one of the reasons those children grew up to be the people they are today is that 27 years ago when my marriage ended, my parents invited us to share their home.  I thought my life was over.  But mother and daddy encouraged me and helped me pick up some very shattered pieces.   Today I am more in the encouragement corner for although who they are is just as strong as ever - their minds sharp, their faith intense - their bodies - well let's just say, I needed them - and now they need me. 

Turnabout is fair play!

On my desk is a calendar that includes words of wisdom.  When I turned the page this morning I found a quote that is perfect for my parents' anniversary - one that even today holds a bit of a mixed bag of emotions for me.

"One word frees us of all the weight and pain of life. That word is LOVE." (Sophocles) 

My parents' love has been the underlying strength in all of our lives for many years.  Especially through the weight and pain!

Happy Anniversary, mother and daddy! (Oh and to that fella I married 42 years ago today - thanks for giving me three wonderful children - you're not such a bad guy after all).

August 5, 2009

May your life be filled with enough Sunshine 
to make you appreciate the Shadow

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