Monday, November 23, 2015

Unexpected Blessings

". . . the thankful heart will find, in every hour, some heavenly blessings.”

You don't need words from me to tell you this - It's Thanksgiving week. Newspaper ads, Facebook posts, grocery stores teeming with people.

Nor do you need me to admonish you about being thankful.  That would be way too presumptuous of me, now wouldn't it?  And if you read my blog with any regularity you know what I am thankful for - my heritage (mother and daddy), my children (Becca, Renee and Tray) and their mates (Dale, Wally and Kristen) and those amazing, awesome, glowing, terrific, effervescent, caring, radiant people who call me Grand or Grandma.

And who can ignore the fact that my faith, family and friendships are so important in my life.  After all that's what I write about most. 

But as I thought about the words I wanted to share this week, I wanted to do something a little different so I looked for some quotes and I came upon the one at the beginning of this blog.

Then I let my mind ruminate on those words and it suddenly came to me - I have had so many UNEXPECTED BLESSINGS. . .

So I'm going to tell you about some of them.  This is the first - and there will be four to come.  I know this means I'll end up posting on the 27th, the day AFTER THANKSGIVING, but wait there's a method....

Here's the first -

It's no secret that while I love to dance...I don't like to dance - at least I don't like to have to follow the rules when it comes to dancing.  I just prefer moving to the music.  With that in mind, I like to go with my friend, Deborah when she is going someplace to dance because I really just enjoy the people watching part of it.

And so it was this past Saturday night.

There was this man...and when he heard that I don't dance, he responded with "I don't either, I just like to watch".

And here's where the unexpected blessing came in.

There were probably 50 opportunities to dance and it seemed that I could barely go back to our table before I was BACK on the dance floor with this man.

The evening ended and we said good night and most likely goodbye.

It really was a fun time and I think one of those unexpected blessings....

More to come.

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