Saturday, November 7, 2015

It's what grandmothers do. . .

"What are you reading?" I asked my 10 year-old granddaughter, Allie.

"Kisses from Katie",  she responded. I was a bit taken aback and it must have shown on my face.

"Oh no, Grand", she said. "It's about a girl who has an orphanage in Uganda and some day I'm going to go there and work in it."

So I got the book from the library and read it. I understood easily the reasons my second grandchild was enamored.

She was 12 the next time I heard about Uganda. Still passionate. And then I heard she had told her mother that it was time for the two of them to take a mission trip and that appreciating her fervor, my daughter, Renee Blain talked with Josué Calzada, First Baptist Temple Terrace's mission pastor. The logical step was an invitation to Allie to join a special task force as part of their Missions Committee with an emphasis on Orphan Care.
And maybe next August, Renee and Allie would go on a mission trip -

Except when Renee talked with the Florida Baptist Children's Home she was given the name of a representative who works with Orphan's Heart and their International Child Care Division....and there are two spots on the March team.

This week while Renee and her husband, Wally, were in their couples' Bible Study, Allie and her older sister, Abbie went to  work. I first read Allie's blog on Abbie's Facebook page. Ah technology.

They need to raise a lot of money for this to happen - and a lot in a short amount of time - $4,000 which is a little more than half of what is needed for both Allie and Renee to travel to Uganda has to be raised by December 9.

So I have shared Allie's blog (which if you click on the word WORK you will go to) and I am going to do what grandmothers do - I am asking for your support - first of all your prayer support. This is a huge step of faith for Allie - and maybe even a "huger" for her mom and dad and grandparents. However, we know that Allie is a child of God and what He wills for her is what we want. And, of course, your financial support is appreciated. Please send me a private message through Facebook or post a comment as noted at the end of the blog and I will send you the necessary information.  And when you read Allie's blog, you will see some other ways to help.

Of course, this is a big step, a big scary step. However I really like what Pastor Josue told Renee - and her family:

"Just keep walking until God closes the door"

Online donations:




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