Sunday, November 15, 2015

Iva Lou's Babbling Brook

The idea was first born in our hearts in 2010.  Our very social mother would do great in assisted living.

Daddy had died in  September.  Mother had spent much of her 85 plus years involved - in church, PTA, the auxiliary of the Gideons, Christian Women's Club - not to mention raising four children, helping us raise ours and all the while being a wonderful wife to our father.

So we started the process - one that took more than five years before it came to pass.  In September of this year, Iva Lou (a name she now likes) became a resident at Brookdale Mandarin.

And now it seems that every single thing that has ever happened in her life has led her to this place. She is loved and she loves.  We have to caution her not to take care of people as easily as she wants need to her to fall...when helping keep someone else from falling.  She is not overjoyed when I remind her of that.  It just seems so natural to her - the ultimate caregiver.

During the time that my mother lived with me, she "longed" to walk down the street and meet our neighbors.  That couldn't happen.  However, once she got to the halls of Brookdale Mandarin she has found great joy in meeting and helping other residents.

A dear friend of mine sent me this quote:  "What life brings to us is dependent on what we bring to life".  Those words are so reflective of my mother.  And as the eldest of her children I believe I can speak for the four of us in saying we are extremely happy that she has this opportunity to be in assisted living where she can continue to love others ... and show forth God's love ...the way we have seen throughout our lives.

One thing about our mother that we have always known to be true - she always thought it would be nice to have a porch - no matter where she lived and she always wants to have a sharing group...

Sorry mother - no way for a porch at Brookdale...however...we are happy that you get to have that sharing group - Iva Lou's Babbling Brook. 

Life has truly brought to my mother - what she has brought to life.

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