Friday, November 27, 2015

Finding something that was lost (Unexpected Blessings #5)

Somehow I have gotten quite used to this.
My mother was giving me an account of the time since our  last visit as we traveled to enjoy Thanksgiving with my children.
She began to fidget with her seat belt and was digging into her pocket and I was frankly getting annoyed.
"I don't want you to have a wreck", she said.
And she finally said  - "and this was on the floor".
Those words make no sense to you do they?
A couple of weeks ago my mother lost something VERY valuable.
The remote control that she uses to help her hearing aid work better.  She can phase out the noise of others when she wants to hear just one person; she can increase the volume of that person.
It has been an INVALUABLE part of our lives.
She just knew she dropped it at the Mandarin Museum a  couple of weeks ago.  I looked and my friend, Sandy, helped me look and it just wasn't there.
Obviously I did not have a wreck, but I can tell you I was more than overjoyed as she showed me that remote - she found it almost accidently because of another issue.  Truly one of the good things that can come from something unpleasant (a ceramic piece had been broken).
And here's what I learned...when we find something that we lost we are extremely happy.
Have you ever lost a friend?
I have - and I just hate it when that happens.
But another thing that happened to me yesterday is that I was reminded of a friendship that began 50 years ago - that led to marriage and three outstanding children.  That friendship was fractured for many years...but yesterday as Ray Parker and his wife, Ruth, and those children and I sat at a Thanksgiving table and shared memories - of our past when Ray and I were married, of the children's memories when they would visit him after our divorce and even memories of some of the homes we had shared, I realized that I had found something that had been lost.
Which gives me hope that I can rediscover the joy of friendships lost.  That would be a real unexpected blessing.  Now I just have to take the necessary steps to reclaim those blessings. 
If my mother can find the hearing aid remote . . .etc, etc... The season of Joy, Hope, Peace and Love  is upon us. Surely, "God will make a way!"


  1. Thanks for that "share" it gives hope many

  2. Love this. God always makes a way - even when there seems to be no way. Love you!
