Saturday, February 7, 2015

And the wisdom to know the difference

   I am really persnickety.
   That means I have a tendency to  place too much emphasis on trivial or minor details and I can be "way fussy".  There are also more colorful ways to describe me. . .I'll leave that to your own devices.
   I plan way in advance - just ask my children.
   I give much attention to detail - just ask the people I work with.
   And I really do like things "just so".
   For example, my closet, my desk, my garage...
   I have no idea why but I seem to think my closet should look as pretty as my bedroom and my garage should not only be organized but have an inviting atmosphere.
   Some of my friends think I must have entirely too much time on my hands.
   That's far from true - especially between November and May when I am diligently working on five major events in addition to pastoral care visits, times with my friends and family.
   Another friend told me I like to have what I can control - under control ...because as we all know - life is far from under any control.
   And so it is that on occasion I'll spend some time getting my personal space (the closet, the kitchen cabinets, the shelves in the garage) ORGANIZED.
   Such was the case in January.
   Time to put the Christmas decorations in their spot and start moving the winter decorations (New Year's, Valentine's, St. Patrick's Day) into a place that was easy to reach.
   Which is where the title for my thoughts today comes from.
   There once was an advertisement about some sort of headache relief and the woman snapped at her mother with these words "I'd rather do it myself".
   Yep.  That's me.
   I was determined to put all those boxes on the shelves...and not ask for help.  One, two, three boxes - hum - this was easy and then a couple more and then...
   A huge box...and the space I had left was on the top shelf.
  Oh, I could do that, I thought.  All I had to do was move a table over - use the table for the landing and I could hoist the box right up into its special space.
   Fortunately before I tried that there was a little voice that said - why do you have that nice neighbor, the man who works out every night - who can probably lift that container with one hand. I listened to that still small voice.  I waited for my neighbor.  The boxes are all in their place.
   It doesn't always happen.  But it's still a good goal!

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