Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Only one life...

In my mind's eye I can still see it...
   A small crystal plaque that sat on one of the corner cabinets in grandparents' living room on which these words were inscribed:
   "Only one life will soon be past; only what's done for Christ will last".
   And why am I thinking of those words this morning?
   Between January 30 and May 16  of this year, I will have participated in FIVE special events.  Three down; two to go.
   And I truly enjoy each and every one of those events.
   This would be a good thing - since the words, Special Event Planner are often next to my name.
   And why do I do this?
   Is it because it's a way to supplement my Social Security?  Am I hoping to "meet someone"? Shouldn't I just be enjoying retirement?  Or do I JUST like being busy?
   Yes on the Social Security and yes I like doing something that has a purpose.
   But the bottom line is that when I was in the 9th grade I heard what a youth pastor whose name was Ted Place was saying and when he asked who wanted to surrender their lives to full time service to Christ, I stood up.
   A few years ago when I was complaining about some of the difficulty I was enduring another minister asked me a question.
   "Didn't you sign up?" 
   My quizzical response was met with "You know, like Isaiah".
   I remembered the Old Testament prophet's words: "Here I am, send me". And I remembered that day so many years ago when I stood up.  
   Somewhere deep within my spirit is a desire to do something meaningful with my life. - to make a difference - to put into practice those words that I remember from my grandparents' shelf.
Only one life will soon by past; Only what's done for Christ will last".
   The teen aged Paula thought that meant going to France as a missionary.  Paula as a college student thought it meant marrying a minister.  As a mother of three it meant teaching them to love and serve God.  And now as a grandmother on the minus side of 70?
   I still like those words on the shelf.
   I also like these that are found in The Message (a translation of Scripture)
Make the most of each day!  Whatever turns up, grab it and do it. And heartily"(Ecclesiastes 9:10)
   And that my friend, is why I do what I do.

1 comment:

  1. You do heartily (and seemingly effortlessly) grab and do what needs to be done! I heartily admire you! (from Virginia)
