Friday, February 13, 2015

".. no sweetheart"

I heard this week that the average amount of money spent on valentine's gifts for one's significant other is  $140

I also heard that men spend all  of their allotted valentine's gift money on their wife or sweetheart while women purchase valentines  and gifts for many more.

That would explain the gifts and cards I have for my mother, my children and grandchildren and a myriad of my friends (note - if you did not receive a personal Valentine present from  me it's because my $140 could only go so far.  And no, I didn't really spend 140 bucks -- nor have I ever nor do I think any one ever spent that on me.)

I just happen to like Valentines Day.

And I have incredible family and friends who I love and who love me.

Not to mention. . .

Almost 50 years ago I saw an early childhood Sunday School presentation  A piece of poster board was the background for a large red heart with a small flap in the center.  Behind the flap was a little mirror.

The words - "Look inside and see - Who does Jesus love?" surrounded the heart.  

I knew that to be true then and I still believe it.  

Which might makes my next words a bit of a paradox..

I don't really like it that I am not expecting to receive OR to give any special gifts of love.  And truth be told, that  makes me a bit sad.

I do have wonderful memories of Valentine's gifts - from husbands and an occasional sweetheart.  But I think you could most easily descirbe me today in this little favorite verse that my father oft repeated...

"Cold hands warm heart, dirty feet, no sweetheart."

Kind of a silly little grouping of words iisn't it?.  What in the world do you think it means.

Well just in case you are wondering, I not only wash my feet every day; I have regular pedicures - I mean - one never knows what lies ahead.

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