Friday, January 23, 2015

A cup of tea for one?

So - what do you do when your emotions are all over the place?
     On Monday, January 19 I started this blog with these words:
"I'm a little teapot..." No I'm not.
     I'm a person, a woman, a daughter, a sister, a mother, a grandmother, a friend, an employee, a minister.  Did you see the letters t e a p o t anywhere in my description of myself?
I didn't think so.
     It's just that right now I feel like if you tipped me over just a tad - everything would just come pouring out.
     I'm going to make a confession -
     For about the past I don't know how long lots of issues have been brewing - disappointment in people, fear of failure, insecurity in the workplace, a little bit of loneliness.
HUM - 
A cup of tea solves everything   When I was a little girl and right up to when my mother moved to Texas she always knew when I really needed a cup of tea.  I don't think my she knew about the necessity of a chocolate  biscuit.  I'm sure however that she was most adept at helping me solve things when we were sharing a cup of tea.
   I guess I'll have to make my own cup of tea.
   My friend, Diane, loves a good cup of tea.  She recently told me she's going to bring some better tea bags to my home.  My questions is "so what's wrong with Lipton?"  At any rate, as I have been grieving with Diane over the loss of her dear husband, John I have been drinking more tea.  Last week I even painted a little tray and added an old teapot and one of my mother's wedding china cups.  It just seemed like a fitting way to honor my friend in her early days of grief.
   I was watching Downton Abbey, where tea time has so much value.  I loved it when the new possibility for romance dropped by to say hello to Tom and we heard him say "I was just about to have a cup of tea".
     When I wrote those words that afternoon, I was having a nasty day.  Nothing felt right.  I even had a thought that I wish my mother were here to make me a cup of tea.  Instead I kept thinking and praying and hoping that I was going to snap out of it.  And I did what Huffinghams (my grandma Lonnie, my daddy, my brother, Lester) are known to do - I went to bed.  I thought I should just "sleep on it".
     And the next day I posted the picture of the little tea tray I had created and got so many nice comments that I decided to use that as my Facebook cover page for a while.  
     My friend, Doris, asked a question - "a cup of tea for one"? When I put the tea tray together, I wanted to use the only cup I have left from my mother's wedding china...and these days - it is a cup of tea for one -  unless you come for a visit and I'll find another cup.
     Thursday, January 22 - I was once more stressed about a situation.  I was the teapot!
     But I asked for help.  My friend, Sarah gave me a solution - and within two hours that problem was solved and I asked myself this question  - Will I ever learn?



  1. I would also set out tea for two - symbolizing that you always welcome a friend

  2. Was just about to have a cup when I read this. Always when I have a cup I cnthink of you.
