Sunday, July 8, 2012

Friends and Fireworks on the Fourth

I am a strong proponent of the necessity of leaving home and becoming your own person and although I am guilty of complaining that I wish I hadn't I raised my children to be quite so independent - to where it seems that they no longer needed me,  I really think it's great that each one of them have acknowledged and accepted that fact that they are adults and they need to be responsible for their own actions.

It seems appropriate on this Independence Day for me to cheer for not only our nation's independence but for the strong spirit of independence that I have seen in my three children.

Could I have a drum roll please?

Now that I have given them a little pat on the back for the fact that they have all become exactly what I wanted them to become, let me say that I think some of the credit has to go to their circles of friends - and to some of mine!

Which seems to me to be what this Fourth of July happened to be about.

For the first time in several years I was with Renee and Wally for the Fourth of July. I have loved to be there at this time of the year and was really excited that I was going to be with them for the festivities that go on in Temple Terrace.

And I was happy to know I would see some of their friends.  Every time I come to visit them I see evidence of the strong friendships they have formed - friendships that have lasted many years  - like the one with Mary and Charles Shelnut who have been like another set of parents to Renee and Wally.  I enjoyed the Temple Terrace Fourth of July parade with them - and with  Cindy Keding who is a long time friend and later that day it was nice to see Jeff Kooper. He and Katherine have been Renee and Wally's dear friends for more that 15 years.

And newer friendships - On Tuesday night, Greg and Jamie Deese and Buck and Amy Buchanan had joined us for Bible Study and then Buck and Amy went with us for a late night run to Target to get Abbie some new tennis shoes and me a straw hat

 and then to Sonic where we sat for over an hour waiting to be served before we were finally able to enjoy our treat - me with ice cream running down the side of the cone and all over my hands.  Lots of laughter!  Then at the close of the day on the fourth, the Deeses and their darling little boy, Joshua, came for a cook-out before we enjoyed the Temple Terrace fireworks together. Lots of joy.

As the Blain girls have grown up, they have been blessed to have friends to love and encourage - and pray for them and with them.

Renee reminded me this week that God has always put a special person in Allie's life - and that is exactly what Buck Buchanan is to her.  He is like a teddy bear, quick witted, soft hearted - who seems convinced that God uses him best as he shares laughter with others.  He's a trip!

And then I was reminded of all the people that God had put into my children's lives when they were growing up - especially some of the friends I made through a Christian singles organization called Seekers (Matthew 6:33).  Again - lots of laughter, encouragement and prayer.

And a heart that is full of thanksgiving to God for what has happened in the lives of my children and grandchildren - who have done and are doing exactly what they are supposed to be doing - becoming independent.

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