Sunday, July 15, 2012

And I almost missed it

Years ago I heard an old time gospel preacher paint a beautiful word picture of a shelf that was laden down with presents.

He said some were wrapped in pretty ribbons, some still wrapped in plastic...some in huge dress boxes and others in boxes that encase a bracelet or a ring.

His point was that sometimes we are so busy asking God for something that we don't take the opportunity to check the shelf for the blessings that are already there.

This morning I debated about going to church - I know that's really not a debatable question.  I just was kind of in a funk and finally a little voice said - You might miss something if you don't go.So I went.

As I walked down the lane toward the sanctuary I saw my friends Randy and Allison.  They had been to the 8:00 service.

"You will love church," they told me.

And guess what?  They were right.

I had forgotten that Michele Perry, one of our missionaries who works in an orphanage in South Sudan, was our special guest.  She spoke with passion and shared the love she has for the 125 children who are a part of the ministry there, in an orphanage where there is no electricity nor running water.

One of my granddaughters recently read A Long Walk to Water so we've been made aware of the water shortage in the Sudan and it all became so real to me this morning as I listened to Michele. 

And because we have adopted children in our family, Michele's words about how adoption is one of the ways that the reality of God's love is expressed really rang true in my heart. I cannot began to tell you how I feel when I see those children and realize that they are loved, cared for - and they all know this is a part of God's plan for each of their lives!

It was great - and I almost missed it.

There's something else I almost missed today.  I don't know why I put off cleaning off my desk.  I like to clean and love to organize.  But for some reason, that's usually a task I avoid. However, I decided today is the time.

I've been inundated with political mail not to mention all the mail about supplemental insurance etc., and I've just sort of stacked those flyers and envelopes.  One by one they hit the trash can.  And  then there was an envelope with an unfamiliar return address  -

Hum -  I opened it.

"Oh my land."

There's a check inside - an insurance rebate.  And I almost missed it.  There are some things I've been meaning to do - make a donation, buy a camera, tuck some money away for the three family birthdays that are fast approaching.   And I have HONESTLY been thinking and praying about rearranging the budget - especially for the camera.

And to think I almost missed it.

When's the last time you checked your blessings shelf?

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Friends and Fireworks on the Fourth

I am a strong proponent of the necessity of leaving home and becoming your own person and although I am guilty of complaining that I wish I hadn't I raised my children to be quite so independent - to where it seems that they no longer needed me,  I really think it's great that each one of them have acknowledged and accepted that fact that they are adults and they need to be responsible for their own actions.

It seems appropriate on this Independence Day for me to cheer for not only our nation's independence but for the strong spirit of independence that I have seen in my three children.

Could I have a drum roll please?

Now that I have given them a little pat on the back for the fact that they have all become exactly what I wanted them to become, let me say that I think some of the credit has to go to their circles of friends - and to some of mine!

Which seems to me to be what this Fourth of July happened to be about.

For the first time in several years I was with Renee and Wally for the Fourth of July. I have loved to be there at this time of the year and was really excited that I was going to be with them for the festivities that go on in Temple Terrace.

And I was happy to know I would see some of their friends.  Every time I come to visit them I see evidence of the strong friendships they have formed - friendships that have lasted many years  - like the one with Mary and Charles Shelnut who have been like another set of parents to Renee and Wally.  I enjoyed the Temple Terrace Fourth of July parade with them - and with  Cindy Keding who is a long time friend and later that day it was nice to see Jeff Kooper. He and Katherine have been Renee and Wally's dear friends for more that 15 years.

And newer friendships - On Tuesday night, Greg and Jamie Deese and Buck and Amy Buchanan had joined us for Bible Study and then Buck and Amy went with us for a late night run to Target to get Abbie some new tennis shoes and me a straw hat

 and then to Sonic where we sat for over an hour waiting to be served before we were finally able to enjoy our treat - me with ice cream running down the side of the cone and all over my hands.  Lots of laughter!  Then at the close of the day on the fourth, the Deeses and their darling little boy, Joshua, came for a cook-out before we enjoyed the Temple Terrace fireworks together. Lots of joy.

As the Blain girls have grown up, they have been blessed to have friends to love and encourage - and pray for them and with them.

Renee reminded me this week that God has always put a special person in Allie's life - and that is exactly what Buck Buchanan is to her.  He is like a teddy bear, quick witted, soft hearted - who seems convinced that God uses him best as he shares laughter with others.  He's a trip!

And then I was reminded of all the people that God had put into my children's lives when they were growing up - especially some of the friends I made through a Christian singles organization called Seekers (Matthew 6:33).  Again - lots of laughter, encouragement and prayer.

And a heart that is full of thanksgiving to God for what has happened in the lives of my children and grandchildren - who have done and are doing exactly what they are supposed to be doing - becoming independent.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

The 4th of July

Happy Birthday America!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    We are waiting to leave for the parade. Brownies are in the oven, The Radio is on and we are talking.Thats Pretty much what we are doing until we leave for the parade.

   I just wanted to say Happy July4th!

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

She is My Grandmother but I call her grand

Sunshine and shadows
is my Grands blogo

She loves to write
and show Gods light

She is kind to others
And she is a mother of 3

She's MY grandmother
BUT I call her Grand

-Allie Blain

Hello all. Thank you for reading my Grands Blog... I wrote this poem for my grand-as you can tell-

This is me (Allie) when I was 2 years and 4 months when my Aunt Becca was getting her doctorate.
  I told Grand that I think I look very cute in this photo and she said it was a good photo
 to include even though we both look a little different now.

Monday, July 2, 2012

the memory box. :)

     Today we have done many things including making ceramic shoes at You do the Dishes. These shoes were Grands early birthday present. We then continued our journey going shopping.  We went to Michaels, Target, Old Navy, and Macys in search for new fourth of july shirts.  It was a fabulous second day for making new memories.
     When Grand arrived we gave her a purple memories box that will be filled by the end of the week by stuuf our LAZY grandmother (just kidding), Allie and I have made. Grand always makes a big deal about making good memories and this week is all about a new chapter of our life filled with great memories.


john 3:16

Awesomest grandchild vs. the LAZY grandmother(jk)

Day 2 (Allie wrote this)

today we made a potholder that is red white and blue for Grand to wave in the parade on Wednesday.Abbie is working at church so it is just Grand and me,the awesomest grandchild ever,Allie Blain.

The awesomest grandchild ever is writing this for her lazy grandmother who will not get off of the couch
A note from the LAZY grandmother

Allie knows that I am not really LAZY because she is very active and she knows she inherited that from her grandmother.

A note from the real LAZY grandmother  

I am LAZY. I like watching disney junior.I am LAZY!!!!

A note from the awesomest grandchild ever

Ok so maybe I made up the real lazy grandmother but... the LAZY grandmother is right but maybe she is the awesomest. IDK???

everything I said about the lazy grandmother i was joking and having fun she is one of the best grandmothers EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Something I've never done before

About 18 months ago, my friend Deborah Hansen determined that every month she would do something she had never done before.  For a while I watched and then I joined her - me and several of our friends who now have a Facebook group called Life Changers.  It's been fun to  see what some of us have done - learn to dance; drive a motorcycle; rock climb.

I have done none of the above.  However today I did somethingI have never done before.

I signed my Medicare card.

Oh help.  Am I really old enough to have qualified for Medicare?

Well, yeah.  I have lots of silver in my brunette hair, am beginning to have aches and pains in places that I didn't know I have and am certainly plagued with those dreaded body changes that most women my age have experienced. 

So what am I going to do about it?

What can I do about it?

The aging process is exactly what it is...the aging process.

However, I am determined not to let this get me down.  I am going to look for some more adventures.  I recently saw The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel - twice.  And then I bought the book.  Why?  Because although I don't necessarily agree with everything in that story, I do think it's important to find a way to enjoy life and to remember that life can still be an adventure.

Today is the first day of the month that I turn 65.  May be filled with sunshine, but surely there will be shadows. Aging cannot be stopped.  But is might as well include some adventure.

I'm going to do more than be open to adventure.  I am going to look for adventure - with the help my family and friends -- This week my Tampa family is going to provide me with adventures -- Abbie and Allie have planned projects for us; I get to participate in a couple of Bible studies; go with them to the Temple Terrace Fourth of July parade and enjoy fireworks later that night.

Actually I've just learned about a little bit of an adventure -- Renee and her family are WALKING in that parade.  I've never walked in a parade...maybe...

Nah.  I'll find a spot and watch.  Besides I will probably meet some interesting people.  That's always an adventure.
