Wednesday, September 27, 2023

"no, I am not unwell"...but

 If I have a mantra - 

My children were sitting at my dining room table.  

We had listened to stories - laughed - remembered.

It was a good morning.

And then I left the table - to return with a small metal box and a key.

The night before I had said almost flippantly - I have no funeral plans.

One child - the one who usually has a plan - remarked - don't you think that would be a good idea?

So my plan was to tell them - where the box and the key are - and what I think they need to know.

When I had "said enough" (I know I rarely have "said enough");

My son looked at me and said,

"Mom, is there something else you need to tell us?"  Those words still make me smile,

"I'm healthy - I have a wonderful life - everything is good", I replied.

I do however believe in being prepared and I want them to be as prepared as possible.

So the box includes the information they need - in the event that I should not be well (where do you think the child who plans got that tendency-and truth be told, they are all three planners - in different ways)   

I'm not "leaving my children" very much.  Notebooks filled with my words, some things that have been in our family for many years (a Huffingham frame and the oak dresser and mirror that was grandma and granddaddy Nesmith's first purchase when they married in 1921 and a  dropleaf table that our parents purchased when Cindy and I were little girls).  And certainly not a lot of money.

However...Here's what I hope I am leaving them with.  I'd like them to feel the way someone remarked when David McCullum died this week - 

He made every moment count

At least that is my prayer.

  May you have enough sunshine in your life

To make you appreciate the shadows

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