Sunday, December 18, 2022

Angels among us

     They stay in a box in my attic from January 1 until the day after Thanksgiving. They were a gift from my mother when she took a ceramics class when she and daddy lived in Coquina Crossing. This year marks the 25th Anniversary of their appearance in the manger scene that is a part of my Christmas decorations.

     Each of my children is represented by an angel. They are all angelic - most of the time.

   Today is the fourth Sunday of Advent. We light the candle of LOVE.

    The candle also represents the angels who helped prepare the way for Jesus' birth.

     The angel Gabriel announced to Mary that she, a virgin, had been chosen to bring the son of God into the world and an angel told a dreaming Joseph who was betrothed to Mary, the same thing. And then angels appeared to the shepherds and sang to them:

    "Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace goodwill to all"

     At the same time mother made the three angels, she also created this pair.

     They took on more significance this past summer when mother passed away and we began to think of her and daddy together.

     I don't think they have become angels in their death. But I do like to imagine them together like this piece of art represents

     Recently I was asked if I have a guardian angel. I'm not sure about that. There have been times that I could almost hear Rich Suhey's response when I was trying to make a decision. 

     Scripture records that the angels were a preparation tool with regard to the anticipated birth as Mary and Joseph were told and that they proclaimed the actual birth when the shepherds were visited by the angelic hosts on the night of Jesus's birth.

     One thing I know about our parents - they prepared us for what was ahead. They took us to Sunday School, they proclaimed their personal faith and trust in Jesus and they taught us to love.

     Daddy was born on this day (12/18) in 1921. He grew up to love God, our mother, us and our children and grandchildren, golf, and the gators.

     Both of our parents taught us to love each other and our neighbor.

     Don Goodman and Becky Hobbs wrote the song Angels among us in 1986 and Alabama recorded it in 1993. These words speak to me:

"I believe there are angels among us. . .

 to show us how to live to teach us how to give 

to guide us with the light of love. . .".

     In my daydreaming kind of world, I'd like to believe that the little nudge I get might be from Rich or one of my parents. But I don't believe that anyone who has gone on "from here to there" as was my granddaddy Nesmith's favorite way to express one's passing has become an angel.

     I do believe that my parents loved each other and us beyond measure. I believe that Rich Suhey truly loved me.

     And they all get some of the credit for teaching me --

To Love!!!

 May your life have enough sunshine, 

                                                      To make you appreciate the shadows

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