Sunday, December 11, 2022

A bird dog named Joy

 The third candle of Advent is JOY

I've been minimally interested in dogs for most of my life  A cocker spaniel named Nicodemus when I was a child, a basset hound named Samantha when I was a senior in high school, and a miniature French Poodle until Tray was a baby have been the extent of my connections with dogs.  I can tell you that the connection to dogs was closer than my interest in cats but that's another story.

And then just about a year ago I met a bird dog named Joy.  When I visit the home where she lives, I am met with great excitement.  I love to watch her run across the yard.  She reminds me of what I think a gazelle looks like - so graceful and so sure of herself.

True her owner is my best friend and I have known of his love for bird dogs as long as I have known him which is by now just shy of two years. He says she's learning to hunt for quail.  I say she's here for my enjoyment.  He won't let her come to my house for a visit.  He says it's because there's no place for her to run in my yard, but I know it's because he fears that she will climb up on my bed and enjoy a cold winter's night.

Why does this dog mean this much?  She arrived just prior to Christmas.  She was supposed to be housebroken, but she wasted no time trying to destroy a Christmas tree and all of the glass ornaments.

Was JOY the right name?  Maybe Destroyer would be better.  However - she has by now lived up to her name.  

I mean really how could she not?
This week our Advent emphasis has been on joy. 

 "Stir up your power, O Lord, and with great might come among us", (from the Collect, the Red Book of Common  Prayer, Third Sunday in Advent).

Sometimes in our everyday life, we are sad or discouraged.  And, sometimes our lives feel like my friend's living room looked after Joy arrived.  Each of us has a cross to bear, but we don't have to dwell in the mire of defeat.

When we make an effort we can find joy even in our grief.  My cousin, Evelyn Nesmith Campbell's husband, Jim, determined for his life to be one of joy even as he knew that life was going to be shorter than he wanted.  Since his death more than 7 years ago now, Evelyn has been such a great example of choosing Joy,

I would be less than truthful if I claimed to have joy all the time.  Even though a bird dog named Joy makes me smile, I know that it takes a little more.  It really is a dedicated attitude of the heart.

And a determination to make these words a practice of my life each day:

Sometimes we have to add a little joy to our struggles and let God STIR it all up!!!!

 May your life have enough sunshine, 

                                                      To make you appreciate the shadows

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