Tuesday, December 6, 2022

All is well. . .

The second candle of Advent is peace.

Do you have words that you often repeat? They are called a catchphrase.

I knew I often say, "all is well" and I was "pretty sure" of the meaning but I  googled the word "catchphrase"  just to be sure. "it is an expression recognized by its repeated utterance".

So, I wondered why have those three words become a catchphrase for me.

And not only did I wonder -- I pondered.

That made me think of the words of Mary the mother of Jesus when the shepherds came to visit the baby who had been born in a manger but I'm concentrating on the second Sunday of Advent, and we are awaiting the birth.  You might say I'm getting ahead of my story.

Which is why do I say, “all is well".

Because it is.  In other words  "I am at peace".

"When peace like a river attendeth my soul, when sorrows like sea billows roll; whatever my lot thou has taught me to say it is well, it is well with my soul. . . "

Those words are from a song that has been dear to me since I was a high school senior. I think that's the first time I remember hearing it.  The story of how Horatio Spafford a successful attorney and real estate investor lost his fortune and a child about the time of the 1871 Great Chicago fire. He determined that a family vacation would be good, so he put his wife and their four daughters on a ship to England and planned to follow them. The ship was involved in a collision and all four daughters were lost.  His wife survived.  He set sail for England right away and when the ship arrived at the spot of the tragedy, he penned the lyrics for what would become the song "It is Well with My Soul".   Later Philip P. Bliss wrote the music.

When I think about the amount of pain that Stafford was surely feeling as he knew he was on the very spot where his children had perished it seems unimaginable to me that he could write such strong words of belief in God. Sometimes just a photo of my three children makes me shudder and tear up. The thought of losing any of them is unbearable - but all three. No way.

And feel a sense of peace???

I am fortunate that I often have the opportunity to enjoy the beauty of the river and creek that are near my home. Sometimes it's because I am at the Episcopal Church of Our Savior and sometimes it's because I am at Walter Jones Park.  Then I can appreciate the St. Johns River. Sometimes I need to cross Julington Creek in order to visit my children, or my aunt and until this past July my mother when she was a resident at Westminster Woods. And yes, sometimes I get to enjoy Julington Creek from the home of my best friend.

Which is to say that I understand the words - peace like a river. I also know that sometimes that same body of water can be anything but peaceful as was the case a few weeks ago when the winds of hurricane Nicole brought the water beyond the banks of both our beloved river and our creeks.  Hurricane season is supposed to end on November 1. It was November 10. Schools and workplaces shut down. Fortunately, the storm did minor damage. That might be a matter of opinion...  It still made the creek rise.

However . . . 

It is a good picture of life. . .which can be so unpredictable.  A joyful time can turn to one of sorrow quickly. But a distressing situation can become a blessing.

That's why it's good to know - the way the song ends.

"Whatever my lot, thou has taught me to say  It is well, it is well with my soul"

Yes. I know I am a Pollyanna. I know I always think things are going to work out for the best.  I also know that sometimes best is a difficult pill to swallow.  

I just know that my best recourse when the sea billows roll, and the river seems far from peaceful is to put these words into my heart:

 "Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus" (Philippians 4:6,7)

Those words and my belief that they are true are the foundation for me to continue to respond

"All is well"

                                                May your life have enough sunshine, 

                                                To make you appreciate the shadows

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