Friday, June 10, 2022

Chicken and rice???

Earl and Iva Huffingham both were guilty.  

They encouraged people by satisfying the pallet.

"How about a little bowl of grits?"

Those words were my daddy's answer when I was sad.

I was continuing to process the realization that my mother's life on this earth is fleeting.  I had a little meltdown.  The ingredients for the supper that I had planned were on the kitchen counter.   I was too tired to read the directions much less cook the meal 

I opened the pantry door.    I heard my daddy's voice.


Less than minutes later a bowl of girts ---

A few weeks ago I had an automobile accident that required an overnight stay in the hospital.  As I prepared to come home I had a little meltdown.  

I kept thinking - I wish my mother was going to be waiting at my home to offer me chicken and rice.

Of course that wasn't going to happen.  I had to settle for remembering the times she had done that - and I do...


I'm doing a lot of that these days  - including the way my mother could always make things better.

Whether it was preparing something I liked to eat, brewing a cup of tea or making a suggestion of a way for me to change my circumstances or my attitude.  If I didn't want to go to school she often said "are you sick, tired or indifferent?" and sometimes the word indifferent worked.

"Walk away from the problem", she would say.

I'd like to walk away from this one - this sad time of farewell - but I know in my heart that it is soon to be her time.  And it's very strange for me - not having her to help me work through this.

I guess I'll have to make my own chicken and rice.  And yes I know what  my daddy's best solution was  

                                                             May your life have enough sunshine
                                                             To make you appreciate the shadows

1 comment:

  1. Paula - what a wonderful, wonderful story and what beautiful art your mother made. Peace to you - you were loved by her and you loved her and all is well with her soul. Sandy
