Sunday, May 9, 2021

A Mother's Day conversation with myself

Mother's Day - 2021

This is my 49th Mother's Day.

I found out that I was pregnant with Becca - 50 years ago on May 10 - the Monday after Mother's Day in 1971.

The conversation between me and the doctor has stayed in my head.  That was back in the day before women always took a home pregnancy test and basically knew they were "with child" long before they were seen by an Obstetrician.

"You are definitely pregnant," were Dr. Jones' words.

"Is it fun to have a baby?", I asked.  What a dumb question, Paula

"It's exciting," was his response.

Hum.  He was right. 'Course he left out words like challenging,, exhausting and somewhat frightening.

This baby was coming at a very difficult time in my life.  

Turns out I really needed a friend - someone to talk to.  I lived in a rural area of Tennessee.  My mother, my sister, and my closest friends lived in Florida.  From that day that I learned there was a baby in my belly, I talked to her (I just always thought my baby was a little girl).  She became my confidant.  That's a lot to put on a baby Paula.

But she brought me so much joy and happiness, I had no trouble being willing to have more babies.

For almost 49 years I have had this card my mother sent to Becca.  You really should give it to Becca, Paula.

These are the words that her grandma sent to her - that all these years later have  proven to be true:

"You won't always see only good in your mother for she is human,"   Boy, that was a true statement.

But as you mature into womanhood you'll accept and love her more I hope that's true

Especially when you have your own little girl."

Mother also wrote of Becca's heritage.  She comes from a long line of strong, Christ-honoring mothers.

Becca never got to meet her grandma's mama. Pauline Mercer Nesmith.  She died just ten days after I learned that I was pregnant - seven months before Becca was born on November 26  - that would have been my Grandma Nesmith's 70th birthday.

I understand that my great-grandma, Marianna Michau Mercer prayed for her children. I am sure that Grandma Nesmith prayed for hers and I'm just one of four children who appreciate the fact that our  mother prayed for us to love God and enjoy him forever (Her favorite words from the Presbyterian Catechism).  I did the same.  And thankfully I am seeing my children follow in our footsteps.

I recently spent 48 hours with Becca, her sister, Renee, and their children.  During that time I saw how my mother's words have become true in my daughters' lives.   

Yes, Dr. Jones - it's fun to have a baby.

And worth the challenges, exhaustion, and fear that comes with it!

Thanks be to God.

May your life be filled with enough Sunshine 
to make you appreciate the Shadow



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