Thursday, January 21, 2021

What will happen to the hawks?

When I moved to Paddle Creek 22 years ago this summer, the south side of Paddle Boat Lane was woods.

One morning there was a wild hog across the way.  I didn't know what to do so I called the police.

When the officer arrived, he was not particularly amused when I asked "what are we supposed to do?"

"Ma'am", he said, "you moved out here."

I'm sure he meant that I (and the other residents of Paddle Creek) had taken control of the land where wildlife had lived forever.

It wasn't too long after that before there were some houses being built in those woods directly across from me.  There's still a grassy knoll where cars of guests to our neighborhood can be parked, dogs walked and friends can visit at the mailbox.

And up until about a month ago, the street was still very quiet.

I returned home after a meeting recently.  It was not a silent night.  I could hear the rush of automobiles on San Jose Boulevard.  This is why:

 The woods that have kept the sound away, not to mention been a home for various animals are gone.

A condominium complex is going to be built.

I miss the woods.

When I walked down to take this photo, a neighbor met me with an alarmed look on his face.

"You know those hawks that we see flying all the time", he asked.

"They lived in one of the oaks that has now been cut down".  He was heartbroken.

I pondered his reaction as I walked back to my home.  I did what most people are doing these days.

I googled it.  Basically "they will go elsewhere".  They were blessed with the innate ability to care for themselves.  That reminded me of a portion of Scripture:  

"Behold the birds of the heaven, that they sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns; and your heavenly Father feedeth them. ' Matthew 6:26

Another neighbor is very concerned about our nation now that we are under a new administration.

So all three of us are worried.

That's not a good thing.  Age is enough reason for me to have need to add worry.

And there's an answer for all three of us.

"Don't worry about tomorrow", Jesus implored us.  "For tomorrow will take care of itself".

By and by - all the animals that have been displaced will find a home; we will survive a new administration and according to my very smart builder brother, when the buildings have been completed,  the noise from San Jose will not be so bad.

Besides - I've had a lifetime of opportunities to practice what's in the "book" especially those verses from Matthew 6.  No need to stop that now.

May your life be filled with enough Sunshine 
to make you appreciate the Shadow


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