Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Give it a REST

I'm not tired.

Haven't we all heard those words from a child who is afraid they will miss something so they don't want to go to sleep?

I've been guilty of that same attitude.

Sometimes I am asked, do you ever stop?  

The answer is simple - if I have an idea of something to do, or someone to see, or a project that must be done, my tendency is to find a way to do it and enjoy every minute of the experience.

Often, those experiences just seem to get dropped in my lap and I enjoy every minute of the fun!

However, as I continue to age (is that a new wrinkle or is my hair really this silver?), I'm realizing it is important to rest. (Please excuse  the top of my friend, Greg's head; Photoshop seems asleep today.)

I am an early riser.  I love watching the darkness turn to light.  There have been a couple of days recently that I did not open my eyes until the sun was shining (that's a secret; don't tell anyone.  My reputation is at stake).

I'm also known to put my pj's on before the sun has really set, but that's another story.

Recently I read a devotion about rest.  The writer said she had chosen the word "REST" as her word for the year.  She went on to say how hard she tried to make that word a part of her life.

Right - that defeated the purpose of claiming the word.  If you don't allow yourself to live into the word, it doesn't work.

As I thought about rest, my mind drifted back to a duet by June Smith and Bill Kindred when our choir at Glendale Community Church was presenting "No Greater Love".  I can almost hear them - "Come unto me, all ye that weary and I will give you rest." That memory gave me a sense of peace - and it made me want to rest!

In the middle of political and social unrest - I keep thinking that I wish people would


But I know that old saying "no rest for the weary" or is it the "wicked"?

No matter.  What matters is that at some point, we all have to rest - in our faith, in our family, in our friendships and know that all will be well - SOMEDAY

And now I'm not tired, I'm just going to REST MY EYES

May your life be filled with enough Sunshine 
to make you appreciate the Shadow

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