Thursday, November 15, 2018

"She meets her trials..."

I woke up this morning with lots of trouble on my mind.

Unsure about my mother's current state of mind and body; Disappointed that my daughter didn't get a position we wanted for her; difficulty with filling a couple of important volunteer spots at the museum, wondering where that check for all those hours I spent working early voting is,  concerned for the health of my children's father and sad as I recall the last days I spent with Rich Suhey before his untimely death 20 years ago this weekend.

I remembered the words in the annual when I was a senior "she meets her trials with a smile... and the shadows turn to light".


As is my daily practice, I poured that first cup of coffee, found the Praise and Worship music that I listen to and settled into my comfortable chair with several devotional books at my feet.

"Approach problems with a light touch...When a problem (A problem?) starts to overshadow your thoughts, bring this matter to Me" (Jesus Calling by Sarah Young).

The devotional included a reference to Scripture "...In the world you will have trouble, but take heart! I have overcome the world" (John 16:33b).  These were words that Jesus gave His disciples as His time with them was nearing the end.

And also on that page is my handwriting as the words "she meets her trails...".


I must have felt like this another time.

The wind chimes outside my bedroom window sang out to me as the November breeze picked up.

Somehow I heard my daddy's oft-repeated words "everything is gonna be all right".

I smiled!

                          May your life  be filled with enough Sunshine...
                      make you appreciate the Shadows

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