Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Faith, Family, Friends

When I am asked what my blog is about my most common answer is "Faith, Family, and Friends".  It could just as easily be "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness", or " Let's have another cup of coffee..."

Or when I am really honest, I might say "It's about me". 

Actually, it's about WHO I am.

I am faith - the faith that was instilled in me as a child, the decision I made as a six-year-old to put my trust in Jesus Christ and begin the lifelong journey as a Women of Faith. AND faith to believe everything is going to work out for the best!

I am family - my parents who met almost 90 years ago when he was 8 and she was 6; who loved each other and their children and our children with such a deep and lasting love; my dear siblings who along with their spouses, love and support me; my incredible children and grandchildren and our extended family of aunts, uncles and cousins.

I am friends - from the childhood crib babies who are still my closest friends to friends I seem to make at every juncture of my life - in churches, workplaces, and civic organizations.  AND somehow I have managed to keep most of those friends! 

My children tease me and say I meet a person one day and have planned to meet for coffee the next.  That's not very far from the truth.  A friend asked me how I've met so many people and we determined it's because I ask them questions (my children call it being nosy; I call it being interested and if I get really sophisticated I say it's because I m a journalist at heart that that's what I am supposed to do).

At any rate on this day before Thanksgiving 2018, it's my Faith, my Family and my Friends for which I am the most grateful.

I am especially mindful of the Faithfulness of God - new every morning, even when I've gone to bed the prior night wondering what the next day might hold - My mother's health and well being as well as that of her sisters and their families, the upcoming Winter Celebration at the Mandarin Museum, (Saturday, December 1 from 11-4) and what project will fill my days once 2019 has dawned.  Oh, and am I going to make any new friends?

I really do have much to be thankful for!  I hope you do as well.

Happy Thanksgiving!

                            May your life  be filled with enough Sunshine...

                       make you appreciate the Shadows

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