Friday, July 29, 2016

'fraidy Cat

I probably have some of the same fears that most people do....snakes, wasps, things that go bump in the night. . .escalators.

What you are not afraid of an escalator?

I vaguely remember a fall down some stairs when I was a very young child.  It seems like there was a tricycle involved.  I cannot remember the details.

I just know that for as long as I can remember I have been very unsure of myself when coming down steps.

And you let those steps be electronically operated - real, sincere FEAR!

My family and friends have seen me walk a long way in search of stairs  - to avoid an escalator.

So - I recently was enjoying grandchild #5 (my little effervescent) at the Avenue's Mall.  We had parked on the second level, visited two of her selected stores and were looking for another when I saw it - on the lower level so we walked down the steps.

I told her I don't like escalators.

There were two more places she wanted to go - one back on the second level and the other - we were not sure.

So I suggested that we go into Penney's and take the elevator up.  I'll never forget her words as the door opened and she saw a caution sign on the floor - loose tile.

"Grandma I'm afraid of an elevator".

I assured her it was safe and she need not be afraid.

We were soon back in the mall and still looking for that one more place when I spotted it -- DOWN STAIRS

Okay, we would just walk to the stairs and walk back.

Except I had just told her not to be afraid.

You guessed it - that's what she said to me.

"Come on, Grandma, you don't need to be afraid.  It will be all right... I'll help you:'

Only once we got there, little Miss Effervescent was on the escalator - on her way down  and grandma "FROZE".

Fortunately a nice young man (and what seemed to be a huge crowd of onlookers) saw my angst.

He was very helpful and took my arm as we made our descent.

So now my granddaughter and I have a plan.

She's going to work on elevators - and me -- oh help - I'm going to master the escalator

"When I get really afraid I come to you (God) in trust" (Psalm  56:3 The Message)

May your life be filled with enough sunshine
to make you appreciate the shadows!

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