Saturday, July 23, 2016

Say or Do

"Don't just say what you what you say".

I've heard those words forever!
I'm not that good at following them.

However. . .

Recently I observed someone very close to me - observing quiet time.  I don't think she knew I was watching but I was (sorry if I seem like a stalker).

I actually thought she was a consistent, never miss, quiet time participant.

(Now for those who don't know - "quite time is the time when a person reads and meditates on Scripture and prays).

Later she told me how over the past few months, she has been getting up early and seems to have developed a pattern.


So, following what I saw her do, I went to the bookstore to see if I could find a devotion book that I could use - to see if I could become more consistent.

Now a disclaimer.  I have known that I should do this since I was in high school and truth be told I usually read a few different devotionals each day.  And I've seen my mother have a quite time as long as I can remember.

And now a confession.  I was not a Beth Moore fan - for a long time.  I thought she seemed arrogant when I heard her speak the first time, tried a Beth Moore Bible Study a few years ago that didn't work for me - and really have only recently begun to appreciate her as I am in a small group Bible study where we all can interact - listening and sharing.

And so it was - that I saw the book, Whispers of Hope" (Beth Moore).  I have loved the same titled song for many years so I picked it up.  I picked it up - and saw that it's a 40 day study.  Apparently there's something about becoming consistent if you do something for 40 days (note how many diets are telling you - do it for 40 days and you'll be amazed).

Today is my 17th day and it's great.  One thing that works for me is that I am writing - like a journal - but it has a form, not just all the thoughts I have which are usually quite scattered.

So the purpose of my words - Do what I do....take some time each day...medicate and pray!

May your life be filled with enough sunshine
to make you appreciate the shadows!

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