Friday, August 5, 2016

He wore khaki and she wore a long white dress

He was a native of Jacksonville, a Landon High School graduate and a soldier.  She was also a Landon High School graduate (in fact had graduated just a few months before), a girl born in South Carolina who had lived in Jacksonville since she was a child.  It was war time - just a little more than seven months into World War II.  He was stationed in Louisiana; made sergeant and wrote her a letter.
            "I am going to make enough money...we can get married", he said.
There was a flurry of activity and Glendale Community Church canceled the midweek prayer meeting.  She had made her graduation dress with the idea that it might be a good wedding gown.  She had the dress, he thought they would have enough money and they knew they were going to be happy.
That was 74 years ago TODAY - August 5, 1942.
Just a few weeks after their 67th anniversary, daddy went to Heaven.  It was a wonderful yet sad experience as we stood by the bedside as he took his last breath.
      My siblings, our children and grandchildren, our aunts and uncles and cousins - plus a myriad of friends - value my parents marriage greatly. I valued it so much that I chose to marry Ray Parker on mother and daddy's 25th wedding anniversary.  That marriage may not have survived - but the children who came from it continue to be a blessing to me.
Seven years ago as they marked their 67th anniversary we knew that daddy's time with us was short. We were all watching as mother and the Hospice staff cared for him. I was keeping a journal that I later put together and often share with those who are in similar experiences.  One of the postings. written on August 5, 2009  is "That word is LOVE".  It was based on this Sophocles quote:   "One word frees us of all the weight and pain of life. That word is LOVE."  
     There was a weight and pain.  And there was much love!
     Our parents' love has been the underlying strength in all of our lives for many years. We consider it to be a rich and lasting heritage and that we are truly blessed.
     And all of us appreciate the hot summer August 5th in 1942 when he wore khaki and she wore a long white dress,

May your life be filled with enough sunshine
to make you appreciate the shadows

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