Saturday, June 27, 2015

What's that on your nose?

I am sometimes accused of being "nosey".
My answer is always that I am interested, not nosey.
And if my accuser can't give it up, then I just say "I'm a writer, I'm supposed to be nosey".
And if you happen to see me these days you can be the nosey one.  I expect you might say "what happened to your nose?"
It was a quiet morning and my first appointment of the day was at 9 AM.  There was plenty of time for a walk.  My mother was up and had started her breakfast.  This is something she does EVERY DAY.  I made sure she had her little alarm button around her neck and I had my cell phone in my pocket as I headed for a walk.
A walk that was interrupted when my toe and the dividing concrete on the sidewalk collided.
Suddenly without warning I was face down in from of Zaxby's.
I was not a happy camper as I pulled myself together and walked home.   And in case you are "nosey", yes I cried.
Fast forward one day
The mail held a cute card from my South Carolina family.
There was Snoopy in a little sports car ... The words on the front say "Sometimes life takes sudden turns. . ".and the inside inscription says "Without using its turn signal".  A verse of Scripture from Isaiah is included "The crooked placed shall be made straight and the rough places smooth" (Isaiah 40:4).
Man, I'd have liked it if that sidewalk had been smooth.
But it wasn't and my toe just happened to hit that rough place so that I have a huge strawberry on my knee and a skid mark right down the center of my nose.
And when I got home, I found that there had been a little issue with an egg and the microwave and a mother. 
Guess it's a good thing I fell.
And back to the card -
My life has taken a bit of a turn - even though I didn't really know where I was going.  I just knew that for the first time in my life I was experiencing what it's like not to have any responsibility and I was liking that.
But then life happened.
And it's just as clear to me as the nose on my face that this is all part of God's plan. 
Today my nose hurts and my knee hurts . I keep wondering did anyone see me when I was flat on my I guess you'd say my pride hurts.
We aren't sure what direction my mother is going in.  We believe we know what's best for her and for me.  We just don't know when that will happen.
I do know that it will get better - because I believe those words from Scripture - the crooked places shall be made straight.

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