Monday, June 22, 2015

Fill it up

You have them and so do I.
   Some friends are so positive - it's easy to describe them saying their glass is HALF FULL. On the other hand (do I sound like Tevia?) some friends are not so positive - it's easy to describe them by saying their glass is HALF EMPTY.
   I'd must rather be the first wouldn't you?  And I certainly enjoy the company of those friends more than the latter.
   I was talking with my friend, Tamra and it sounded pretty much like my glass is half empty. She shared a new take on the old saying.
  "What matters most is that the glass is ALWAYS refillable",  she said.
  And that's what I really want.
  There are times when I am tired or sad or just  plain disappointed about the direction of my life.
   Sometimes I can get down right  - well - you get my drift without me using any profane description right?
   I remember a John W. Peterson song from so many years ago.  The name of it is Fill My Cup, Lord.
   Using the Woman at the Well as a resource, the song tells us that all of us are just like empty cups but that they can be filled - with God's love.  The last lines of the refrain say Fill my cup; fill it up and make me whole.
   I also remember one year when I had been feeling a little empty or blue and I heard my friend, John Nill sing Ho, Everyone Who is Thirsty based on some verses in Isaiah 55.  The last lines of that song give us hope.
          I will pour water on him that is thirsty, 
          I will pour floods upon the dry ground;
          Open your hearts for the gifts I am bringing; 
          While ye are seeking Me, I will be found.”
Hum - I just needed to be reminded.
My cup can be filled again!

1 comment:

  1. Fill her cup, Lord. Fill it up, Lord. Paula this can be done today Your future is in His hands. You know this but just don't feel it yet but you will again God loves you even more than I do
