Friday, December 20, 2013

The candle of love

This Sunday we light the candle of love, the fourth in our recognition of the season of Advent. And actually that's what Christmas is really all about.   Without making this a "sermon", you already know that I really believe in the truths that are told in Scripture -- you know the part about God so loving the world, that He gave us His only son...etc.etc. etc.

However, on this last weekend before Christmas 2013, that candle of love represents the way I feel about my friends who have been incredibly loving and supportive to me at this time in my life.

From the lighting of Advent candles anticipating the celebration of the coming of Christ to the many aromas that fill my house when the scented candles are lit, candles represent warmth and love.

The day before Thanksgiving my friend, Doris, gave me a candle that has provided a sweet scent in my home for several weeks - the weeks that included getting my mother ready for her big move - and my beginning to adjust to whatever new normal I am about to enjoy.

"It has a strong scent", she said, "but it's a good one".

Everyday from that day to this, I have enjoyed the lovely combination of scents that emanate from that candle - smells that make me think of Christmas - spruce and citrus and warmth all wrapped up in one pretty piece of glassware.

Oops.  You can't smell warmth.

No, but you can be reminded of the warmth of a friend.

As I walked through a department store earlier this week I was drawn to an aisle where many candles were on display.

That's the gift for my friends, I thought.

Because over the past few weeks I have so much experienced the warmth of friendship. Not only has that candle provided a sweet aroma - my friends have provided warmth and encouragement - that have helped to light my way. Of course, I had to see if I could find a scripture reference to this thought and I found a great verse in Proverbs -

"Just as lotions and fragrance give delight, a sweet friendship refreshes the soul" (Proverbs 27:9 - The Message).

At this point, five days before Christmas, that particular candle is almost gone.

But wait.
Last night I got a present from a new friend.  And guess what?  It's a candle.  One that when lit fills my home with cinnamon and spice and everything nice.

And when the holidays are behind us and the Christmas candles once more take their place in storage, the sweet fragrance of the friendship (and love)  that they've reminded me of this season...

. . .will remain.




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