Sunday, December 1, 2013

Hope will shine on

Hope is one of my favorite words.  And on the first Sunday of Advent, 2013, We light the candle of hope.

Bob Moore is the director of music ministries at the Episcopal Church of Our Saviour.  He has written Christ is the Day a  new choral work that celebrates the images and themes of Advent.  Our choir has been practicing this for many weeks and we look forward to presenting it on Tuesday, December 3rd at 7:00 PM.  The finale includes these words (written by Richard Leach)

"Hope is a candle once lit by the prophets -  Never consumed though it burns through the years  Dim in the daylight of power and privilege -  When they are gone hope will shine on...". 
My first actual printed newspaper story was when I wrote about a mother who has MS for the Hope Fund a joint venture of what was then Volunteer Jacksonville (now Hands on Jacksonville) UNF and the Florida Times Union.  That was a special feeling for me - seeing my name in print - and on the front page. 

When granddaughter #3, Allie Blain, was diagnosed with Idiopathic Thrombocytopenia Purpura (ITP) a life-altering illness that prevents the production of platelets in her blood, my daughter, Renee and her husband Wally Blain created a foundation called Clouds of Hope that was intended to help families in similar situations.  Allie has now been an ITP survivor for 7 years.   In my mind, she's the poster child for "never giving up hope".

And one thing I learned from my Granddaddy Nesmith was the importance of I Peter 3:15.  It says "Be ready always to give a reason for the hope that is within you".  I like the way the Message says it:

"Be ready to speak up and tell anyone who asks why you’re living the way you are, and always with the utmost courtesy."

If you know me – you know that my faith, my family and my friends are of utmost importance.

You know that my faith has carried me through many years of adventure (some have been so wonderful and some I would just as soon forget). 

You also know that I am a communicator.

And I use whatever venue at hand as a means to share something I believe it.

So I am happy to use this blog (and my Facebook page) as an opportunity to share my faith.

I'm speaking up – and I'm telling you (hopefully with a sweet spirit) that I really do believe – in the Christ whose birth we celebrate.

Don't mean to sound trite – but yes – the hope that is within me – is that fact that Jesus is the Reason for this Season.

There's a verse in Colossians 1 that says that Christ is our hope -- and when all else has passed away - "hope will shine on".

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