Thursday, March 21, 2013

"Things don't just happen. . ."

December 1, 2011 - It was the Duval County Medical Society's annual meeting.  I was there because as one of the contributors to the book DCMS was having published, I needed to do a little p.r., encouraging physicians who had not yet agreed to participate in the book to do so - or doing the preliminary "selling the book" work.  She was there because she is a Contributing Editor and Senior Writer for Beson 4, publisher of the magazines we often see in a physican's office waiting room (Florida Doctor, Health Source, Mature Matters for example).

I asked her a couple questions and she did me - and before we knew it we had scheduled our first coffee date.

By this time, we have shared lots of cups of coffee, been in each other's homes and we both truly get excited when it's time for us to get together.

It's like Virginia Pillsbury and I have been best friends since childhood - actually my teen aged years and her childhood.

July 22, 2012 - I sat at a table in the Great Hall of the Episcopal Church of Our Saviour.  I had seen a man who had been in a class with me several years ago and thought it good that he had come to this worship/social gathering.  I knew that his wife, a lovely woman who had also been in that class, had passed away a few months prior.  I smiled and got up to greet him as he walked across the room and we chatted.  Maybe I would like to have dinner some time?

By this time, we have shared lots of dinners, laughter, tears, and our latest addiction - crossword puzzles and I cannot imagine what my life might be without Coulter Schmitt in it.

February 27,  2013 - I met my friend, Debra Shelton to walk at Epping Forest.  We were just a couple of weeks away from my mother's 90th birthday celebration and as Deb and I shared a cup of coffee I lamented one problem we were having - my sister had asked for a glass punch ladle.  There was NONE to be found. 

"I have a glass ladle."  It was the voice of a person I had only just met.  A lovely woman whose name is Isaida Sanchez.  Within hours, our mutual friend, Debra has acted as the liaison and I knew we were going to have that glass ladle.

When it was time to return the ladle, Isaida suggested we meet for coffee.  We did.  And within just a few minutes I knew I had found a new friend - a woman with such a great heart for others and a person I look forward to knowing better.

Do I really think God plans these little meetings or do that just happen?  Is it circumstantial? 

Several weeks ago when one of my cousins, Howie, was tragically killed and we (Coulter and I) were sharing in the sorrow that my aunt and uncle were beginning to experience, we learned that the accident had happened in West Springfield, Massachusetts where Coulter had not only lived, but served on a pastoral care team at the very hospital where as it happened, Howie was taken after he was hit while riding his bicycle.  Coulter knew the chaplain, Jack Wolfe and made a call.  Chaplain Wolfe had already been visiting and ministering to my cousin's wife and was very willing to speak with my aunt and uncle.

Was that planned?  If not it certainly was fortuitous as one of my friends remarked.

I know that many do not share my strong belief that all these things are part of a bigger plan for our lives and that's really okay with me.  I don't ask that anyone just automatically accept my way of thinking...the main thing being that whether part of a plan or not - I'm just glad I get to be a part of this!

1 comment:

  1. Thank You. And I do agree these are 'Orchestrated Moments'...
