Sunday, March 24, 2013

Sing Hosannah

It is Palm Sunday, 2013.

There never is a Palm Sunday but that I remember singing The Palms by Jean-Baptiste Faure when I was a child. 

I don't remember how old I was.  I do remember that Glendale Community Church looked like this:

Glendale Community Church (circa 1955; painted by Iva Huffingham, circle 1990)

I have loved to sing since I was a little girl and this particular Sunday we got to sing with the adult choir.  The arrangement called for the children's choir to bring in the palms as we sang a counterpart to what the adult choir was singing.  I think they were singing "Hosannah, praise to the Lord" and we were singing, "Join all and sing, His name be praised...".

This morning as I was thinking about what I wanted to say, I did a little googling and I found a small church doing exactly what I remember.  Well sort of.

The important thing to me is that I do remember.  I remember singing and I remember worship.

It was also in this small church that I learned the little chorus "Hallelu".  The girls would stand and sing, "Hallelu, Hallelu, Halllelu, Hallelujah" and sit down and the boys would stand up and sing "Praise ye the Lord".  Happy memories of my childhood and I am so glad that I learned the value of worship when I was growing up.

And I learned the value of friendship.  My parents were in a Sunday School class that was called "The Truth Seekers" and all these years down the pike some of the children of my parents friends are still my friends - from Bonnie to Linda to Sue to Kay and Connie, Wayne, David, Billy and Cecil, Carol and Clifford...David and Christopher...

Christopher - I just got a message that Christopher (Dr. Chris Faircloth) has died in Memphis, Tennessee where he practiced veterinarian medicine. 

Which makes the value of the memories of singing and praising with my childhood friends all the more meaningful on this day - Palm Sunday, 2013.

PS As I was googling I found a response on one of the YouTube videos that featured The Palms.The words were "this brought me back to the faith of my childhood".  Made me smile!

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