Friday, March 29, 2013

GOOD??? Friday

Why in the world would a Friday such as this be modified with the word GOOD?

I've seen enough passion plays, read the scripture and heard many, many sermons about the activities of this day - the one we remember when Jesus "endured the cross" (such an inhumane way to be killed) - to know that this is not a good day!

Don't stop reading.

So why is it called GOOD FRIDAY?. 

I did a little research and found suggestions such as in early modern English, the meaning of "good" had the sense of "Holy".  I know that this is Holy Week and in some traditions the word Holy is placed before Friday.  Three different dictionaries weigh in on the word "good".  Oxford says pious, devout, tending to spiritual edification. Webster espouses the etymology of the word good to be  "from its special sanctity", and the American Heritage Dictionary includes pious in it's explanation of Good Friday.

As I have thought about this over the last few days I remembered a song that was a part of an Easter Cantata that I sang in as a teenager.  One of the songs in John W. Peterson's No Greater Love is He went about doing good..  More research and I found the words to that song --

When our Lord was here, Our Savior dear, He gladdened each neighborhood;
For the Bible tells, The message spells,"He went about doing good."

He went about doing good, And helping where'er He could;
Our example is He,And like Him we should be,

Who went about doing good.

A very simple song - but one that has stayed with me for 50 years.  Why?  Because the principle makes so much sense to me. 

Jesus went about doing good!

That's it.  According to scripture, Jesus died for the sins of all mankind.  What greater thing could He have done?

I personally have no reason to do any more research as to why this day is called a GOOD one.

Only a thankful heart and a firm belief that it happened.

The only thing better it that while it's Friday - Sunday's coming!




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