Sunday, May 19, 2024

Do we have a model???

I love it when one thought, word, song, Bible verse, or sermon opens my brain to another thought word and the necessity for me to share those thoughts through words.

The choir anthem at the Mandarin Presbyterian Church on May 19 and  Pastor Andrew's message did that for me. First, it was a song, then the words in the message - and they shared a commonality -- the root word was FAITH.

As the music began, I knew it was a familiar song. I had not looked at the bulletin, so I really didn't know.

" We're pilgrims on the journey of the narrow road, and those who've gone before us line the way." They began.

Suddenly, it was as if I could see my daddy sitting on the front pew of the church, nodding his head in agreement as the choir continued to sing "Find Us Faithful" by Steve Green (  

Daddy wanted his legacy to be that he had faith in God and that he was faithful.

The past few days I have had the privilege of spending time with my children and five of my grandchildren. As I listened to them talk to each other - about Christian groups that they are in, their dreams and goals, and life's ups and downs, I thought they had become what their grandparents modeled for them.

Daddy's favorite song was "Living by Faith." ( He taught us that - by example. One of the things he knew how to do was "take money from Peter to pay Paul", and I heard one of my children describe how that's one way they have found success in educating their children.

Our parents loved another hymn, "Great is thy Faithfulness." I also love that hymn, although it's difficult to choose between it and "It is well with my soul " when I am asked my favorite.

I do know that my favorite verse from Scripture is I Thessalonians 5:24

"The one who calls you is faithful, and he will do it" (NIV).

Every time I have experienced what I consider failure - from failing an Old Testament quiz as a freshman at Bryan College  (I know - a preacher's grandchild "failed a Bible quiz?"), I go back to that verse and am reminded that God is faithful! - trusting Him, I start anew.    I made an A in Old Testament that semester - Ray Parker helped me). 

Pastor Stepp's sermon included Scripture from the Book of Hebrews (chapter 10; verses 23-25).    spoke of the way being in community is helpful - that we should be thinking of others and I clearly heard his words as he read verse 24 (he is faithful, as he promised). 

So that took my thoughts again to daddy - and his love for others - the way he practiced his faith.

I was with one of my granddaughters, who looked especially cute, and I asked her if she remembered what her great-granddaddy would say to her if he saw her.

He would touch her nose and say, "Where did you get that cute little nose?"

Of course, he would have known that she inherited that cute little nose from her mother - So we know where she got that.

And as I look at myself, my children, my grandchildren—and the rest of our family—I ask the question: Where did we get "who we are"? Do we have a model? Did someone teach us to have the faith in God that we possess?

Some have called him Earl the Pearl and her Iva Lou. The people at the Mandarin Presbyterian Church called them the mayor and Mrs. Iva.   Becca, Chad, Brad, Renee, Tray, Leslie, Nathan, Lacie, Ted, Dan, and Meg call them granddaddy and grandma, and their four children call them daddy and mother or mama.

And all who knew them "found them faithful."

No better role models!!! 

   May you have enough sunshine in your life, 

             to make you appreciate the shadows

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